Decision Making

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Tony POV

I could really use a drink, nothing new, but, today has just been down right fabulous. Loki; God of Mischief, a Trickster, a Magician and Thor's brother, took a nice trip into Manhattan to cause destruction and take over the city.

Now we as Avengers have to discuss what to do with him even though I already know Thor is gonna try and convince us to hand him over to him. We have to punish Loki in some way for causing so much chaos and distress he bought to the people.

I call Steve so he can round up the rest of the Avengers to meet in the soon to be Avengers Tower to discuss, how the hell you even punish a God and what we can actually do to Loki.

The rest of the team arrive 10 minutes later, we gather around Loki who is currently still lying in the same position Hulk put him in. Thor is the first to speak about what we should do with Loki,

"I shall return my brother-"

"Adopted brother" Loki whisper yells

"my brother back to Asgard where he shall face such a harsh sentence in front of the All Father" say Thor giving Loki a look of anger and heartbreak at the same time.

I can sense that some of us would be relieved to have his face off this planet but the rest of us would prefer to know where he is so we can protect the rest of the world from him.

"Thor I love your thinking but since your bias as he is your 'brother', we could just put him in one of my containers that I created that stops powers and if he trys to even escape Jarvis will be alerted and a electric shock will go through the container. In this container he would learn the lesson of hierarchy and society, by making him realise he isn't above everyone. Plus we would know were he is at all times." I say.

Why the hell did I say that out loud, him staying here is the worst thing for people and honestly it will most likely increase me anxiety and mental health , well done to me *facepalm*. I could of easily had him shipped back to Asgard where I wouldn't have to worry about him. It's to late for me to even take back what I said, because for once, the other Avengers are actually in agreement with me by nodding.

Natasha takes it upon herself to speak for the team," It seems smart to keep him here, we can keep the universe safe this way and Tony for once has a plan and is right Thor you would only be one sided due to him being part of your family you could go easy on him and let him walk away from this and he could do it again."

I could see the anger in Thors eyes grow from the comments about him being bias and one sided, he was about to object the idea but before any sound could pass his lips, the Avengers had already left the room, Nat and Clint taking Loki with them by the feet. It was just him and me.

"If anything  happens to my brother, I swear on Odin, Loki and I will be back in Asgard so quickly your technology wouldn't be able to catch up on the movement" with that he calls out to Hemidall and disappears into the sky.

I see where he is coming from, I would do anything to protect my family that is if I had any left, but I think maybe we are doing the right thing because from where I stand in my broken living room with smashed glass from the windows I can see the destruction Loki has caused today, he is currently a serious threat to mankind but hopefully after a few weeks in the containment he should start becoming more human in a way.

Yeah I still defiantly need to that drink.

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