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brynn's pov

The music is so loud, and everything seems to be moving. I wish I could leave, but something in me makes me stay here. Teens laugh around me, arms linked around their dates, while I sit alone at the table.

Carson disappeared to go talk to Hayden after we went inside. He gave me a hug after we got to the table, and he looked really sad, but I guess I understood. 

I look around for my friends, but I can't really see any of them. I pull out my phone and scroll lazily though Instagram. I guess I don't have to worry about being distracted during TDA because I don't have to worry about emotional attachment....but I think I'm still going to be distracted...

I don't hold anything against him. He seemed sincere, and hey, I just went on a date and took Carson Lueders to a dance. I shouldn't've expected anything more. 


My head jerks around to see Jayden. She looks really nervous, like she's on the verge of tears.

"I-I mean-Bry..."

I jump up. "Are you okay?"

"Can we-can we go to the bathroom or something?"

"Yeah, of course."

Jayden and I hurry to the bathroom, and once we get there, she lets loose. Tears flow out of her eyes...faster than my "relationship" with Carson ended, I think to myself...err, never mind. Bry, dummy, get your mind off of him. 

I curse myself for thinking about him when Jayden's struggling to breathe because she's crying so hard. Lowering myself onto the floor so I'm level with her, I put my hands on her shoulders.

"Jay, what's wrong?" I ask urgently.

"I-I-Connor-" she tries to say something else, but I can't understand her.

"Jay, calm down. It's okay. Really. Tell me what happened, but I can't understand if you're crying like this."

She looks up, and I quickly jump up to get her a paper towel to wipe her eyes with. Finally, Jayden stops crying, but she still hiccups every other second, and her chest heaves.

"Okay," I take a deep breath. "Tell me everything."

"I was dancing-" hiccup, "with Connor, and,-" hiccup, "then we went outside, and,-" hiccup, "And we were just-"


She pauses for a second.

"I think you need some water. Let me get you a cup. Sit inside this stall until I come back." After pausing for a second, she nods shakily and gets inside a stall.

I sigh and emerge from the bathroom, running my hands down my dress to smooth the wrinkles out. As I enter the gym again, I quickly make my way over to the drink table. I quickly snatch up a bottle of water, and turn around to exit, when someone grabs my shoulder.


I turn around and see Connor standing there, awkwardly. He bites his lip, and then says, "Is-is Jayden okay?"

"Well..." I pause. "What did you do to her?"

Even under the strobe lights, I can still see him blushing. "Uh, well...I told her I- I-liked her...and she just ran away."

My mouth forms a perfect circle. "O-o-h..." I stammer. "I mean...I'm not surprised..."

"At what?"

"Um, that you told her you liked her. I mean, I guess I'm not surprised that she ran away either. I think Jayden was the only one who couldn't tell that you've liked her for a really long time."

Connor's face is positively pink. "W-was it that obvious?"

I shrug and giggle. "I don't know. Anyways, Jayden's probably a pool of tears right now. She's just kind of shocked that that happened, and I'm pretty sure she'll be fine."

He nods slowly.

"I'll tell you what happens." As I turn around, I look back over my shoulder, stick out my tongue, and say really loudly, "CAYDEN."

I'm pretty sure Connor's face was the color of a ripe tomato.



Jayden emerges from one of the stalls. "I'm so embarrassed."

She looks emotionally stable now, I guess...I mean, I hope. "Why?"

"I made a fool of myself. Literally my makeup is all ruined and everything." She facepalms, and then crosses over to the sink to try to wash her mascara off her cheeks.

"It's okay, Jay. You look beautiful with or without makeup."

Jayden smiles slightly. "I mean, what could I do? My best friend just told me he has a crush on me. I totally did not expect that."

Shrugging, I lean on the sink and look at Jayden through the mirror. "Don't you like him too?"

"Not in that way!" She declares adamantly. I raise my eyebrows at her and she sighs in exasperation. "Oh my gosh, Brynn. I can't like him like that."

"Why not?"

"I don't know...what if we break up? Our relationship would be ruined, and I wouldn't have our friendship anymore."

I roll my eyes. "C'mon, if everyone took that mentality, no one would date or even get married."

Jayden sighs. "Okay, okay. I just need some time."

Same, Jayden. My mind flashes back to my almost-kiss with Carson. Eventually, I'll get over it. I just need some time.

"BRYNN. Earth to Brynn."

I blink suddenly and turn my attention back to Jayden. "Don't call me that! What if someone walks in here??"

"Sorry. But seriously. What is on your mind? Where's Carson? What happened to you guys??"

I laugh. "Sometimes, Jay, I swear, you read my mind."

"Well, what happened?"

Everything comes pouring out. I have to double check to make sure no one else is in the bathroom first, but then it all comes out.

"Wow." Jayden says after I finish.

"Yeah..." I take a deep breath. "But who's the girl he likes though? Its the burning question on my mind right now."

Jayden smirks. "I think I know who."








a/n: y'all i really wanna change my username but idk what to ugh. suggestions?

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