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brynn's pov

"Hey," I tiredly greet the other dancers, as I come into the studio, and toss down my dance bag.

I'm exhausted from TDA, getting back last night, and now I'm having to be a background dancer for a concert. I'm going to be dead by tonight.

Jenna Davis, Nicole Laeno, Saryna Garcia, are the other dancers here, so it's pretty nice because I know them.

"How many routines are we learning today?" I ask. Reaching into my bag, I grab a hairtie and pull my hair into a ponytail.

Nicole pulls out her phone to check. "Well, we have to learn the dances for Brooke, Aliyah, Carson, and two numbers for other ensembles."

Still half awake, I blink slowly. "Cars-wha-how many? Oh nevermind."

Saryna laughs. "You look really tired. Are you sure you're going to be able to do this?"

I shrug. "I'll manage. How was school this week?"

"Um, a disaster. You're not going to be prepared for the kids. They were hounding me, and I'm not even you." Saryna reaches down and touches her toes in a warm-up stretch.

"Sounds good." I say sarcastically, and then take my water bottle out of my bag.

Carson is going to be here? Right, I'm so dumb. It's a freaking Rock Your Hair concert, duh. I nervously push my glasses up my nose as my heart picks up speed.

The choreographer comes in just then, and introduces herself as Kristen. She leads us in a quick warm up, and then gets on with teaching us the routines.

carson's pov

"I'm tiredddddd." I slump down into a chair next to the studio. I'm waiting to have my rehearsal before the concert tonight at 7.

"I can imagine." Brooke shakes her head in disbelief. "You just got back yesterday. You should have said you were too tired to perform."

"Nah, I'm fine. I mean, I will be later, but I'm just tired right now." I pull out my phone and scroll through some messages. "Brynn still hasn't answered my texts."

"She's probably still at The Dance Awards," Brooke suggests.

"No, she should be done. She won Best Junior Female Dancer last night."

"Stalker much?" Brooke teases.

I roll my eyes. "She posted it on her Instagram. You heard about the whole Bry/Brynn thing, right?"

"Who hasn't..."

"Oh, I don't know. I just...do you think Brynn likes me?"

Laughing, Brooke says, "I've only met her once. That's quite an interesting question to ask me."

"Right...I'm not in my right mind right now, sorry. Don't talk to me when I'm tired. It's like me being drunk."

She laughs.

"Well," I get up and stretch, "I have to get to rehearsal now.

"Have fun."

"Thanks." The studio door opens, and Aliyah comes out.

"Have a good rehearsal. It's pretty hot in there," she laughs.

I laugh and come into the studio. I freeze, looking at one of the dancers.

It's Bry.

She looks startled, and pulls off her glasses quickly. Then she looks away. It's Brynn. She looks beautiful, as always. She's here. It's really her.

"Hey, Carson, how are you?" Asks Kristen, the choreographer, pulling me back to reality.

"Uh, g-good. I mean, I'm tired, but..."

"Well, let's hope you don't fall asleep during the concert," she jokes. "Anyways, let's get started."

We waste no time diving into the choreography, but I'm a little slow today, from jet lag, but also because I can't get Brynn off my mind.

[bad quality, but this was the dance they were learning]

"Okay, next, when Carson says, 'I know that we can fight this', Brynn, you're going to come over here and put one hand on his chest, and the other on your hip. Carson, you're going to put one arm around her shoulder. Your other hand is going to go down her cheek. Your feet are going to go: right foot right, left goes front, catch step. Then hips go right, 6, left, 7, hold 8."

I mark it out with my feet, my heart beating fast. Kristen goes on telling Saryna, Jenna, and Nicole what to do in the background.

"Okay, let's try that out."

I look over at Brynn nervously. I'm pretty sure everyone has noticed that I'm acting really awkward today.

Kristen plays the music.

"Kiss me then, you don't want to leave, so tell me, what's it gonna be?"

Brynn skips over as I sing the next line. I put one hand on her shoulder and trail one down her cheek...like when we were at the dance and we went outside and...

"Guys..." Kristen stops the music. "Brynn, you have to look at him. I know you guys are both tired from getting here late last night, but I still want it full out. I want to see chemistry. Carson, smile. You look like you're dead."

"I feel dead," I say, cracking a weak smile.

"Okay, you guys take a break for a couple minutes. Go get some water and come back in about five minutes." Kristen nods towards the door, and the other girls start heading out.

Brynn goes out too. How am I supposed to talk to her?

I bite my lip and hurry out of the studio. Grabbing my water bottle from my backpack in the hallway, I take a quick drink and then look around. Saryna, Jenna, and Nicole are laughing about something, munching on snacks they brought. Brynn's nowhere to be found.

I duck down another hallway and see Brynn getting a drink of water from the fountain.

"Brynn." I call, and she turns and looks at me.

"I need to talk to you."



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