Familiar Faces

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I'd grown so used to my pampered life over the past few months that, when I decided to actively search for Daniel, I was startled by the environment of poverty that I found.

The streets were so dirty, the people looked at me either with envious anger, or greedy smirks. I stood a little taller and tried to make myself seem a little more intimidating. It seemed to work to a certain extent. Some of the would be theives and thugs backed off or averted their gazes.

The thing is, I had no idea where Daniel originally lived. I couldn't remember the name of the town. Or did he live in a city?

But I did have servants who werr paid to follow my whims, no matter how random. I could recall what Daniel's house looked like. So, I instructed a few of my people to get me a list of shacks in mountain areas, describing the make up of the house to the best of my ability, including that it was within walking distance of my school.

I was surpized by how small the resulting list was. There were several dozen houses, but most of them were in the same areas. I could visit the general areas, and I felt confident that I'd recognize Daniel's new home on site.

Whatever god sent me to the universe must be smiling on me. The first area I visited felt as familiar as walking down the sidewalk in my home town felt.

I recognized it. The dirty cement trail leading up a steap path, the narrow alleys and the mess of wires over head. My heart started racing, pounding in my chest. This was good. This was really, really good.

I smile broadly as I walk towards a dingy little shack, with a poorly thatched roof covered by a distinctive grey tarp. I don't get too close, because not only would it be rude but it would be hard to explain, since it's near a dead end and there's absolutely nothing else there to be walking towards besides other dilapidated housing shacks.

I hung out for nearly two hours, just killing time on my phone, before my sister texted me and asked to get dinner together. There had been no sign of Daniel. It was still break, so perhaps his mother hadn't sent him yet. Didn't he move the day before school starts back up?

I sigh and replied back with the affirmative. I had a whole summer to kill.


I picked up Joy from the penthouse she and our mother were staying in. As she was still in middle school, and a breathtakingly gorgeous girl in a large city, she still legally lived with Mother (who I was still yet to meet, or talk to, or have her acknowledge my existence at all.) However, Mother had been out of the country for some time, France if memory serves me, and Joy sometimes grew lonely for family.

She often stayed over at my place, or we met up in the city. I entered a small, but elite restaurant that specialized in foreign cuisine. As soon as I stepped in, the wait staff bustled to get me situated as quickly and efficiently as possible, bowing and smiling as they did so.

Joy was already seated at a table near the back, around a privacy corner, looking out a large window at a decent veiw of the city. She looked up as I approached and her face split into a grin. "Big brother!" She jumped up and wrapped her arms around my chest and arms, trapping me. I grinned at her in response and pecked her forehead.

She laughed and released me so that we could both take a seat. "What do you want to order?" She asked, so that I wouldn't have to struggle with an impromtu game of charades when the waiters came back around to take our orders.

[Something fish,] I tell her flippantly. [And fruit. You should get vegetables this time. ]

"Aww," she whined, poking out her bottom lip. "But I don't like those. "

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