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I sat in the kitchen the next morning on my laptop and drinking coffee. Today, I was working from home. I needed a day where I could work in my comfortable clothes and on a couch. Anti didn't seem to mind much, considering he was always home alone and needed some company. It was clear he had needed someone to talk to for awhile now (he was talking my head off while making breakfast for us) so I just happen to fall victim to his rapid speech. He was droning on something about Shneeplestein.

"...and I already told him that he needed to leave me alone. I get it he's a doctor and he wants to try and 'help' me with antipsychotics and medication for my 'insanity', but there has to be some kind of point where he just stops. I mean, he called me this morning and asked me to come over so he could check on me - or maybe this time he just wanted a blowjob - but I wasn't going to fall victim to shit! I can't afford the bill anyway since your the only one that works. All he wants is to give me medicine that will make me batshit crazy, not that I'm sane anyway, but I seriously don't need meds that will make me any more loopy than I already am. I'll turn out like Wilford. I can sue him for that, couldn't I? I don't know, I just figured that you'd know since you help make laws and-"

"Anti, you're going to drive me crazy before my job does." I groaned, unable to concentrate. I took a sip of my coffee and he chuckled.

"Sorry, Dark." Anti chuckled.

"Call me Damien!" I hissed in offense.

"Whatever. Seriously though, office work is going to kill you." Anti said to me as he leaned against the table where I was sitting.

"I know that already." I groaned, "I think I'm just going to drop out of office and give it to Morella. She's one of the greatest people I've ever worked alongside and she's next in line anyway."

"Good. I miss having you home all the time, you dick." He joked, taking the eggs off the stove.

"Bullshit. You just miss tormenting me," I heard a broken chuckle from his end, "Oh, and your burning the bacon." I nonchalantly said, causing him to rush over to the pan and flip the slim strips of meat.

I smirked.

"Fuck you." He gave a laugh as he pulled plates out of the cabinet.

It was odd to me. For a completely insane person, a guy with split personalities, and a halfway retarded, mentally unstable colonel, we were actually quite...normal. We lived somewhat normal lives with normal jobs. Normality is odd to me considering the people I live with and talk to - but then again, no one can really define normal, can they?

"You know, I've been looking for a job. I need a life," Anti looked over at me and joked, "can I borrow yours?"

"Oh, believe me, you want no part of my life." I teased, taking another sip of my coffee.

Anti began loading the two plates with food. Bacon, eggs, biscuits and chocolate milk was soon placed in front of me and I smiled at the thought.

"Mm?" He hummed, "and why don't I want any part of your life?"

"Do you see the exhaustion when I come home from work?" I ask, a smirk playing on my lips.

"Yes. And I feel the tenseness in your muscles when I give you a very well needed-"

"And not wanted-"

"Massage." Anti and I went back and forth there, cutting each other off.

Finally, a genuine smile came to my lips and I took a strip of bacon, shoving it in my mouth. I focused back on my E-mails in my computer, reading one about a recent crisis in the police department. Three of my greatest deputies were shot and killed in a high speed chase, likely the result of a gang versus officer gunfight. My eyes narrowed and I squinted at the screen, taking in each and every detail. The picture was unclear, but I kept myself staring in some magical hope I'd be able to understand what exactly was happening in the picture - that is if I could go uninterrupted. I read over the E-mail. There were precise details on who was killed, what time the chase went down, how many bullets were fired, what kind of bullets they were.

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