Chapter 9

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My ribs still hurt, more now than ever. I'm going to go to the doctors today. I don't want to but I have too.

"Mom." I call walking into the kitchen.

"Yes sweetie?"

"Can you take me to the doctors?"

"Are you ok? Why do we need to go?" She asked looking at me.

I slowly lift up my shirt. She is gonna freak.

"Oh my god? Kendra, when did this happen?"

"Like a week ago."

"A week? Why didn't you tell me sooner?" Great now she sounds mad.

"Because I didn't want to get benched. Coach would have our butts."

"I don't care about coach. You should've told me earlier. Anyway let's go."

I silently follow my mom out the door and to the car.


I was late for practice because the doctors took forever. I walked onto the ice half an hour late.

"Hey coach."

""You're late." He said bluntly.

"I know."


"I was at the doctors."

"What for."

"My ribs."

"And what happened to your ribs?"

"I got checked into the boards."

"I meant what did the doctor say."

"He said I badly dislocated 3 of my ribs and I can't play for a couple of weeks."

"What?" He turned to me with anger and even concern in his face. Aww he cares about me. Maybe he's not so bad.

"Sorry." I mumble.

"Alright, just get better soon."

"I'll try and is that it?"

"Is what it?"

"You aren't gonna yell at me or yell at the team?"


"Oh good."

"Just sit on the bench." He said with a hint of a smile.

"Yes sir." I give him a little salute which made him chuckle and walked to the bench.

"Yo Kenny. You decided to finally show up!" Luis yelled skating towards me with some other people following him.

"Why aren't you in your gear?" Connie asked.

"I'm not playing for a couple of weeks." I sadly said.

"What? Why not?"

I again lifted my shirt revealing my ribs which had a wrap around it.

"What happened?"

"The Varsity game when Case checked me into the boards."

"Who's Case?"

"The guy who checked me into the boards." I said I'm a duh voice.

"No shit Kenny."

"You should probably go back to practice."


"See ya later."


With that Luis, Connie, Julie, and Averman went back to whatever they were doing before.


I was currently doing my homework which is due tomorrow. Have I mentioned I hate school. Like a lot.

I was currently trying to solve some Algebra equations when I heard a knock on my door. Thank you to the person knocking on my door.

Just kidding. "Go away." I mumble when I saw it was Charlie at the door.

"Kendra please." He pleaded.



I looked him in the face and he was hurting. I do care about him but I'm not the one who has to apologize, he does.

"I have homework to do and I need to get to sleep. We have a game tomorrow. So, if you'll please." I pint to the door referring he needs to leave.

"What do I have to do to make it up to you?"

"I shouldn't have to tell you. You should know."

He sighs but leaves.

It's really simple all he has to do is apologize to me, Adam, and coach specifically and then apologize to the team too. Plus he needs to come back to the team. We need him more now than ever.


Short chapter. Sorry I had a swim meet this weekend but I updated ;)

My brothers best friend, / Adam Banks TMD Where stories live. Discover now