Chapter 11

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I was having an awesome time sleeping in on a Saturday when I got woken up by the knock of the door. I groaned. The first Saturday coach let's us have off and I'm woken up.

I look at the clock. 5:53?? Who in the right mind would knock on our door at almost 6 in the morning. Since I'm the light sleeper and my moms at work I have to answer the door. Charlie has always been the heavy sleeper and it takes a lot of work to get him up yourself.

I look in the peephole and see Bombay. What's he doing here?

I open the door and am greeted by him.

"Hi Kendra." He seems to cheery. I look at him with annoyance. "Sorry to wake you."

"You better be."

He laughed. "Same old Kendra."

"Not to be rude but what are you doing here at almost 6 in the morning?"

"I'm here to see Charlie."

I grunted. "He's sleeping but you are more than welcome to go in." I step back and motion with my arms that he can come in.

He walked in and I shut the door.

"You'll have to set his alarm to wake him up. Seems like the only thing that wakes him up other than himself." I explained walking down the hallway. "Have fun." I said sarcastically stopping at his door.

"Is everything ok with you two?" He asked eying me.

"Just peachy." I said giving him a classic two thumbs up.

"You can talk to me you know."

"I know but he knows what he needs to do. Or at least he should. So it's his choice when he's ready to make things right. Have a nice time with him." I leave him standing by Charlie's door while I head back to my room.

Slowly but surely I fall back asleep. Only to be waken by my phone going off.

What now? I grunt but answer my phone anyways.

"Connie, it's 6 in the morning and it's the first Saturday coach let us have off and I wanted to sleep in but now this is the second time I've been interrupted from sleeping so make it quick."

"Sorry Kenny. I'm not even going to ask about the first interruption. Anyway, the team is going to go play street puck at 11 and attendance is mandatory."

"Ok I'll be there. Thanks for letting my know. But goodbye."

"Bye." She said laughing.

I hung up and finally got to sleep for another 3 hours.


Now what am I forgetting? I have my rollerblades, a towel, and water. I have my keys and phone. But I feel like I'm forgetting something.

I grab a muffin from the kitchen and notice Charlie is gone. Bombay must have taken him somewhere. I head outside and skate to where we are playing puck.

When I get there there only Connie, Guy, and Adam are there. I look at my phone. It's only 10:48. Wow for once I'm early.

"Hey guys." I said stopping by them.

"Hey Kenny."

Adam hugs me at my side and he keeps his arm around me. I look up at him and he smiles down at me.

"You two don't have to be all mushy mushy you know." Connie said.

I turn to look at her. "Really Connie, I should be telling you and Guy that."

That makes her blush and Guy roll his eyes. Adam just chuckled.

"Fine Fine."

Soon everyone else comes and we start the game. We are all very happy and are having a lot of fun. But there still is something missing from us and we all know it. Charlie.

Connie said she tried to call him but he didn't respond so she left a voicemail. We are still hoping he comes.

Dwayne and Russ stop playing and look at the fence.

"Hey Charlie! You Finally showed up!"

"Yo Bombay. Come play!"

"Yea! Come on!"

Charlie and Gordon smile and come join our game. Charlie sits by me on the bench and hugs me.

"I'm sorry."

"I know."

"Are we ok yet?"

I look at him in the eyes and see he has suffered enough. "Yes." He smiles. "But you have to still have make amends with coach."

His smile doesn't falter. "I know and I will. Let's just enjoy today!"

I smile myself and hug him back. It's good to have the happy Charlie back.

The rest of the day was even more fun than I could imagine. We were all together again and it was amazing. I have really missed our team back and happy.

My brothers best friend, / Adam Banks TMD Where stories live. Discover now