Chapter 10

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I was heading down to Mickeys diner, where my mom works, to meet up with Adam. I'm a little nervous to be honest.

Why? ... Well, last time we had seen each other he said he loved me. I love him to, a lot. But Charlie was there and it was just a disaster.

I had to walk since I wasn't allowed to skate. So it took me a long time to get there.

Once I finally got there I took a deep breath and cooled myself down. It was a long walk.

I walked in the diner and saw my mom sitting at the farthest chair to the right by the door to the kitchen. She looks upset.

"Mom?" I questioned as I walked over to her.

"Oh Kenny. I've been trying to reach you."

"I'm sorry I was walking down here. What's wrong?"

"It's Hans, it was his time to go."

I stood there in shock as my mom hugged me. Hans passed away? What? No. Hans was like a grandpa to me. I haven't even talked to him lately because of the stupid school. I was too busy with homework and hockey. I should gone to visit him.

"Kenny? Mrs.Conway?" A voice interrupted us.

My mom and I stop hugging and I turn around to see Adam. He looks so confused.

"Hey Adam."

"Are you alright?" He asked examining my face. I automatically reach up and touch my my face. I hadn't even realized I had started to cry.
I probably look like a mess. Oh well.

"Not really. Hans, Hans has passed away." My voice hitched and I feel tears coming to my eyes again.

Adam doesn't say anything he just hugs me. You see Adam doesn't know Hans as well as I do. No one really does except for Charlie.

Hans was the one who taught us to fly when we were 11 and ever since then I would go over to his shop with Charlie and he was always there.

I just can't believe he is gone.


"Forever And ever. Amen." The preacher finished. "Now if...."

"Excuse me. One sec." A man interrupts the preacher.

I looked over and it was Gordon Bombay, and he had something in his hands. A jersey. A green ducks jersey.

He placed the jersey over the coffin and turned to us. The whole team was there including Adam. Everyone was being nice to Adam, thankfully. Except for Charlie, but he wasn't really talking to anyone.

"Every time you touch the ice, remember it was Hans who taught us to fly." Bombay said looking at each of us stopping at Charlie.

I looked over at Charlie. I was crying and I could tell he was trying not to cry. Him and Bombay made eye contact and he just shook his head and walked away.

The funeral was over and they had lowered Hans and his casket into the ground. Gordon had hugged us all and I knew Hans's death had affected him more than us.

He walked in the direction Charlie had gone in and I walked over to Guy and Connie who were talking to Adam.


"Hey Kenny. How are you holding up?" Connie asked. Everyone knew Hans but they knew there weren't as close as Charlie and I were.

"I'll be fine."

"How's Charlie?" Guy inquired.

"Ask him yourself." I snapped.

Connie and Guy looked at with me shock written all over their faces. I forgot for a moment they don't know about Charlie, Adam, and my argument.

"I'm sorry. I don't mean to snap."

"It's fine. Are you and Charlie ok?" Connie hesitated.

"No." I bluntly answered.

"What happened?" Guy asked.

"I'd rather not talk about it."

"That's fine. Before you came over the three of us were talking about if the team should do something together tomorrow." Connie informed me.

"The three of us?" As in Guy, Connie, and Adam? I look at Adam and he playfully smirks.

"Yes, the three of us. Banks isn't so bad. He explained he wasn't part of the pranks and now we're cool." Guy explained.

"Well that's good. And we should definitely do something but can I speak to Adam for a minute?"

Connie and Guy nod and I take Adams hand and walk towards a tree away from everyone.

"Did you get your ribs checked out?"

I give him a look. "Really. Really. That's the first thing you ask me."

"Well yea. I care about you." 

"Thanks. And I did get them checked out. I badly dislocated 3 robes and won't be able to play for a couple of weeks."

"And did coach freak out?"

"No." I mumble.

"What was that?" I look at him and he's smiling.

"No." I said louder making him laugh. "I hate you." I tried to hind my smile. Key word tried.

"And I love you." He stops laughing and holds his forehead against mine. His touch gives me goosebumps.

"I love you too."

I started to lean in to kiss him when I got interrupted.

"Yo lovebirds! Break it up." Julie shouted making Adam and I jump apart from each other.

"Really Julie?" I yell.

She just laughs. "Are you guys a thing now?"

I look at Adam and I know the answer by looking into those beautiful blue ocean eyes.

"Yes. Yes we are." I answer Julie turning back to face her.

She does something I never thought she'd do. She squeals. Adam starts to laugh and I start myself.

I guess a death really brings people closer.

My brothers best friend, / Adam Banks TMD Where stories live. Discover now