Unexpected Desires

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Thursdays. Ugh. You have to make it through Thursdays knowing you also have to make it through the Fridays that follow them. They aren't as bad as Wednesdays, but still.

Chat Noir had visited Marinette the night before, unusually enough. He had said something about not being around for a while soon. Mari had reassured him that, coincidentally, she wouldn't be either, so it would be alright. They spent the rest of the night talking, same as always.

"What's your hardest subject in school?" Marinette inquired, twirling a pencil between her fingers. Chat Noir groaned and bit his lip.

"Math. By far. Math."

Mari laughed. "Mine is geography," she stated, sighing. Chat's eyes widened, as if surprised.

"What? The perfect Marinette can have trouble with something?" He asked while faking a faint, mockingly dumbfounded. She giggled.

"I'm not that great you know," she teased back. "I'm sure you're very great at everything you do though. You're probably the player of the school, all the girls around you, the envy of every guy, prettiest eyes, nicest hair...." Marinette was beginning to fall asleep in her chair. Chat smiled and sat next to her, letting her rest her head on his shoulder.

"Merci, mon chaton. Glad to know what your image of me is," he chuckled. He stayed with the girl until she fell fully asleep, at least she was pretty sure he did. She was pretty sure he almost always did that, not leaving her side until she had completely dozed off. And he always puts her into bed if she happened to fall asleep before she could make it on her own.
Marinette was unsure of these gestures, feeling as though they were too flirtatious. But she didn't say anything. Maybe it was his way of showing he was there for her  

I'll lean on you, so you lean on me.

Marinette's day dragged along, boring as usual. She waited painfully for the lunch bell to ring as the teacher lectured on about fission and fusion.

Ding. Ding. Ding.

Mari sighed in relief. Finally.

The girl didn't feel like fighting the crowd, so she remained seated as everyone poured into the hallway toward the cafeteria. Soon, besides the teacher, Marinette was the only one remaining in the classroom. Slowly, after everyone was gone, she stood up to make her way out of class. But as she was about walk down—


The room was plunged into total darkness and Mari sickeningly realized the clicking was that of the now-locked door.


The teacher had left, locking the door and turning off the lights behind her, not realizing a student remained. Marinette stumbled towards the door in the dark, trying hard not to trip and break her neck.

You have got to be kidding me.

"Wait!" she yelled futilely. After a painful few seconds, she had finally found her way to the door. Maybe it wasn't locking I heard, right? Marinette didn't stop to contemplate it much as she grabbed at the door handle.

But her hand came back with nothing but air.

The door fell open and bright light from the hallway flooded the classroom. The girl barely had time to make out another human figure when-


A heavy body rammed into Mari, plowing her down. She fell to the ground hard, the other person landing on top of her.

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