My La- er, Ladybug

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Marinette looked out the window of the private jet as it prepared to leave. Adrien sat tiredly next to her, texting away to Nino as much as he could before he had to shut his cell service down for the flight.

"Prepare for take off," came the captain's voice over the speakers.

Adrien turned to look at Marinette.

"Sooo it's really your first time going to a beach?" He asked. The whole kiss incident had been pushed behind them and they were able to converse again as if nothing had happened, which Adrien was thankful for. 

Marinette nodded with an excited grin, her white teeth glimmering. Adrien couldn't help but be reminded that this beautiful girl liked him. 

Though as flattered as he was, his heart wasn't yet in a place that fully returned the feelings.

The two made small talk for an hour or so, but eventually tired of conversation and began to do their own things. Marinette sketched, Adrien played some games on his phone. After a while, even that got boring, and night began encroaching on them.

The two dozed off. Soon, the plane began to descend for Hawaii. 

But the captain said nothing. 

As the plane silently came to a rolling stop on the runway, Gabriel Agreste glanced at the sleeping children.

This makes things easier.

He continued typing away on his computer.

The plane refueled. 

Without a word, it took off, leaving Hawaii behind it.


Marinette yawned as she felt someone nudge her shoulder. It was Adrien. She squinted her tired eyes to try and focus on him. His face was etched with concern.

"Mari, we've been on the plane for nearly twenty four hours," he whispered. He kept looking at the time on his watch to make sure he was getting the math right. Marinette looked at him, puzzled. There was no way. The flight to Hawaii was an estimated fifteen hours.

"No way," Marinette breathed as she sat up. Both her and Adrien turned to look at Gabriel Agreste, fast asleep in his chair. Adrien got up and walked over to him, gently tapping his arm.

"Father," he whispered, still nudging him. Gabriel's eyes twitched a few times before they opened. He almost looked scared, or at least startled.

"What is it?" His voice was demanding and cold.

"Why aren't we in Hawaii yet?"

"We aren't going to Hawaii."


As the plane landed, Marinette couldn't help but grip her bag somewhat fearfully.

North Korea. They were in North Korea.

Adrien stood next to her protectively, his fists clenched and his face angry.

"What'd ya know. I was right. Business trips with him are never fun. This one just happens to take the cake on most outrageous," he growled.


Marinette but her lip as she watched Adrien pace their hotel room back and forth.

"I literally can't believe this. Literally can't," he kept saying. "Why on earth are we here? What business could my father possibly have here?" Gabriel Agreste had ordered the two to stay in the hotel while he attended to whatever it was he was here for, which made Adrien more than a little peeved.

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