Conflicting Reactions

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Sudden, wasn't it? Don't you think? Yeah, Marinette thought so too. She looked at her best friend Alya distraughtly, who had been grilling her for an hour straight in her house. The girls had decided a sleepover would be a good thing. Facing Adrien again was the last thing Mari wanted to do that day, and that's hard to avoid when you live in the same house.

"I swear Alya, I have no idea why he kissed me! You know our status. We aren't even close friends," Marinette swore to her friend, utterly at a loss. She buried her face in her hands, unsure of whether to think of what had happened as great or worrisome. The way he had reacted after he kissed her had made it look like he hadn't even intended on that happening.

"So you two haven't magically clicked at all recently? No 'big moment'? Not even anything small?" Alya asked incredulously. Marinette shook her head.

"We've recently talked together more, but that's it. We tease and stuff too, but that's about the extent of our relationship," she told her. They were both stuck on why he would do it. It was a lot for Marinette's heart to take, she could tell you that. Could one even know what it's like to be kissed by your crush who also happens to be a slight Casanova spontaneously? It's magical. But, it was also slightly heartbreaking. He didn't even say anything after it. He just ran off, as if he were upset, like what he had done was completely evil and that he regretted it. That doesn't sound too bad, but the thing that bugged Marinette most was that it didn't seem to be that he regretted pulling a kiss on her. Adrien being Adrien, he would've apologized if he had felt bad for her. No, it was something else.

I can't help but feel as though he had a look of remorse when he pulled back. A look that said he was thinking sadly about a far off place.

That was what made her worried, worried and jealous. What was he thinking about? Or who could he be thinking about? These trivial questions weighed down on the girl's mind until her head hurt.

"I say we just ask him why he did it," Alya suddenly stated, throwing her phone down frustratingly on the bed. Mari's eyes widened.

"J-Just ask him? Are you insane?" she asked, burying her face in a pillow and shaking her head. "I couldn't do it. I'd break down mid sentence." Alya's expression hardened.

"Well, he's going to be forced to explain himself eventually, whether you ask or not. You don't just do stuff like that and never own up to it."


It was Friday night, but she wasn't there. And he was the reason. Just as she was starting to talk to him normally as Adrien, he had to go and mess it up.

"Soooo, why did you do it?" Plagg asked, munching cheese. Adrien shook his head angrily.

"I don't know. I don't know," he repeated, gripping his blonde hair in his hands. Why had he kissed her? Why had his body moved like that? He froze for a second as an idea suddenly formed in his head. Marinette. Marinette resembled Ladybug greatly, especially in the dark. The hair, the eye color, the way she had looked at him in that instant... Maybe that was why I did what I did.

Even though his Lady never once passed through his head in the moment of action, maybe it was reflexive desire. He could've just been acting on impulse.

Adrien decided to play it off as that. He didn't know what else to believe.

"Helloooo. Earth to Adrien." The model turned and looked at his kwami. "Aren't you supposed to visit Marinette tonight as Chat Noir?" Plagg asked.

Adrien sighed, looking at the clock on his bedroom wall.

She's not even there, so what's the point? What good will going to Alya's do?

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