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Kailiah Jackson

D'Andre and I have been hanging out for a couple days ever since I had a mini panic stack. He was the only one who knew, I didn't feel the need to share it with other people because it wasn't that big of a deal.

"So you still leaving in the same house form highschool?" D'Andre asked as he took a bite from his ice cream.

"Yea. Well mostly because my brothers been locked up and I had to watch my sister." I continued to eat my ice cream.

"But they back now right?" He asked. "Right" I nodded my head.

"So? Do you ever plan on moving out or just always leaving under there wings?" He asked.

I snapped my head to look at him. He laughed "Not like that I'm just saying. You should be your own person and move by your own rules."

"Yea maybe your right. I want to move out but I don't know if my brothers would be mad." I shrugged.

"Did you hear what you just said wonder if your brothers will be mad. Your an adult Kai, they should support you."

I smiled. "Nice advice Adams maybe I will start looking for places."

"Well if you need a search buddy, I'll be happy to help." He slightly bumped my shoulder.

"If I need one I'll be sure to call you first." I smirked. "I'm so flattered." He said sarcastically. I playfully rolled my eyes and continued to eat my ice cream.

I did want to move out I think it was time, I was living there for awhile now. At first it was because the boys were locked up but now there out and it's time I did things they made me happy.

After leaving D'Andre I had to speed over to Kaliyah's school to pick her up, and get back home because Alexis and Trinity was sleeping over. I wanted the two of them to try to bond. Yes we might be a little older but never too old for a sleepover.

I got out my car and got Kaliyah who was waiting from outside her teachers classroom. "Why are you not waiting in front of the school like always?" I asked.

She shrugged nonchalantly. I looked at her skeptically something was off with her today.

"Alright come on" I grabbed her hand. "Ms.Jackson please hold on" the teacher called out for me from her classroom.

"Is there a problem?" I asked. "Actually yes today Kaliyah got into an altercation with another student." The teacher said.

"What kind of altercation?" I asked with an attitude. "She hit another student." I looked down at Kailiah and she avoided eye contact.

"Because this is her third incident with putting her hands on a student we require at parent teacher conference to discuss measures that should be taken." The innocent teacher said.

"Third?" I asked shocked. "Yes we've told her other guardians about the incidents and they said they handle it and it hasn't gotten handled. I'd hate to suspend her." The teacher added.

"I'll handle it thank you." I smiled and walked out the classroom. I grabbed Kaliyah's hand and walked to the car.

She got into the back and put on her seatbelt. "Third incident Kaliyah really?" I asked madly from the front seat.

She sat quietly and didn't respond "Why are you putting your hands on people. That's totally out of your character. What's going on?"

"This girl was picking on me and I told D and Taevi and they told me to stick up for myslef." She said sadly.

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