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Alexis Rodriguez

"So is it a yes or a no?" Taevion asked kind of impatiently.

I took a deep breath. "Umm it's a yes." I said excitedly.

A smile from ear to ear appeared on his face. He picked me up from my seat and spun me around.

"Your not gonna regret your answer. I promise" He talked up to me, as he boosted me in the air.

I hope not. I smiled down at him. "I love you" He said softly. I looked in his genuine eyes "I love you too" I replied.

He slowly lowered me back down and his lips connected with mine. We haven't kissed in awhile, not since the jail meeting which no one knew about expect Kailiah.

The feeling was unfamiliar and foreign at first but I quickly adjusted. The soft and sweet kiss was quietly cut short with people crowding us with congratulations.

Taevion put me down. "Oh my god. Congrats" Kailiah said to me and hugged me tightly.

"Thanks Kai Kai" I laughed. "I'm so happy for you guys. I was really scared you were going say no" she tucked my hair behind my ear.

Shit me too, almost. "Well I didn't. Love him too much" I smiled.

"Glad" She said. I smirked and she walked away, after everybody congratulated me, I went to sit down. Needed a breather.

Suddenly my phone started to ring. "Hello" I said into the phone answering my sisters phone call.

"Alexis. You know mami and papi are comin in town tomorrow-" Angie said into the phone.

"Wait what?" I asked cutting her off.

"Yes you've known this, they'll be here tomorrow and the house is a mess. I don't know where you are but get back here asap" she said angrily and hung up.

"Oh my god" I said annoyedly to myself. Well it looks like I'm going to have to cut this celebration short.

I went over to where my stuff was and grabbed it. "You good? Where you going?" Taevion said from behind me.

I turned to face him "I'm really sorry I have to go. My parents are coming tomorrow and Angie needs my help cleaning up." I said apologetic.

"It's aight but tomorrow?" He asked. I huffed "Yes. I mean do you want to tell them?" I asked slowly.

He ran his hand over his face "I mean yea, can't tell them over the phone so" he paused.

"Look I'll text you a time and everything and I'll make dinner and we'll spill the news." I said. He nodded his head. "Alright. I'll see you later." I pecked his lips and hurried out.

I got home quickly partly because I didn't wanna hear Angie bitching, I didn't really need or desire it tonight.

I walked into the house, expecting to house to be a complete mess because Angie was making a huge deal.

Of course it wasn't, it was how I remembered when I left. There was a few things on the floor but nothing we couldn't quickly clean up in the morning before there flight landed.

"Angie really" I said annoyedly when I walked into her room and she was chilling on her bed.

"What?" She asked confusedly. I simply rolled my eyes and walked to the kitchen.

"What's your problem?" She asked as she leaned on the counter.

"You" I said loudly. "You rush me home to clean up only to find a petty piece of paper on the floor and you chilling in your room."

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