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Again, sorry this one took so long! What you wear to the beach party is on the side in the multimedia~! 

Hope you enjoy this!


You sucked in a deep breath as you stood outside of your dorm room. You could hear some noise inside, and you guessed that there were only girls in the room. You bit your lip before huffing out a breath. You wet your lips before scanning your ID and pushing the door open. You stepped in and shut the door behind you, shoving your ID back into your pocket.

“Heya [Name],” Olette chirped.

You turned to your right and saw her curled up on the recliner with a group of five girls on the sofas. You spotted Naminé immediately amongst them and flashed her a warm smile.

“Hey Olette,” you greeted, looking at the group curiously.

Sitting next to Naminé on one of the sofas was a girl with short, dark hair and blue eyes. She looked about your age. On the other sofa three girls were sitting comfortably. All three looked to be about a year or two older than you. One had long, brown hair and warm brown eyes. Another had short brown hair and brown eyes. You noticed she had a sweatband on her forehead. The third girl had blonde hair, some of which was braided, though most of it was pulled into a messy ponytail. Her eyes were a bright green.

“This is my sister, Tifa,” Olette said, gesturing to the girl with long brown hair. You raised an eyebrow, surprised. They didn’t really look alike. At all. You shrugged inwardly as Olette continued her introductions.

“Next to Naminé is Xion. Next to Tifa is Yuffie, and next to Yuffie is Rikku. Pretty much everyone calls her KK,” she told you.

You waved at them, plopping down next to Naminé. “Nice to meet you all,” you offered. “I’m [Name]. Obviously.”

Yuffie grinned over at you, practically bouncing in her seat. “Hi [Name]! Olette’s told us lots about you! Like how you’ve only just come into your abilities. But that’s okay; my little brother only got his in time for his sophomore year!”

You blinked a little, startled by her enthusiasm. You offered a slightly wary smile. “Uh, thanks?” You shook your head slightly. “Who’s your little brother?”

“Pence!” she declared proudly. “You met him earlier, right?”

You nodded, trying to hide your surprise. “I hope you don’t mind me saying, but you two don’t really look alike.”

Yuffie giggled and explained, “He’s my half-brother. We have the same dad.”

“Ah,” you hummed, giving her a slightly sheepish smile.

The conversation turned to school and everyone joined in, you throwing in a few questions here and there. It felt nice to just be with some girls for a while. Even though you hadn’t been at Krigare long, it felt like most of your time you had been surrounded by boys. And, okay, they were good looking boys, you’d admit, but it was a welcome change in the day to be around girls again.

 You found out that Naminé and Xion were roommates, and they lived just down the hall from you. Tifa was a college freshman, so she was in the female college dorms. Yuffie and Rikku lived a few floors below you, and they shared a room too. You privately thought that the Academy had done that on purpose, considering how hyper the pair was. If anyone other than those two lived with each other, you had no doubts they would have probably been smothered in their sleep. You didn’t mind the hyperactivity; it was easily dealt with in small doses.

Talk soon turned to what you were told was the Annual Welcome Back Beach Party.

“We have one every year, a week before school starts up,” Olette told you brightly. “Because school hasn’t started, we’re allowed off campus in the week. But we have to be back by eleven.”

Krigare Academy: Junior Year [KH/FF] {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now