Envelopes and Ropes (final chapter)

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Sam P.O.V (warning: trigger - death at the end of this chapter)

"Now, tell me. Where. Is. It?" Evan twirled the knife in his hand. I panted, my breaths slowing a tad as I lost blood, no thanks to Evan's knife. The metal table I was lying on wasn't exactly helping either. So this was what interrogation with a demon was like. Lovely. By the way, when Evan says "it", he means the orb we took. Apparently, some little shit has taken it out of Jess's bag, and now I'm getting tortured for it.

"I. Don't. Know. How many times Evan? The last time I saw it, it was in Jess's black bag, I have no clue as to who the hell has it, now do me a favour and answer me when I ask, why the hell am I being tortured for something I don't know about?!" I yelled. He looked down at me and chuckled.

"Oh Sam, this isn't torture. Have you not seen the jar on my table, with all the purple and black stuff in it? Take a hazard guess as to what it is."

"Your soul intertwined with your heart." That earned a cut across my stomach. Great, more pain.

"That, sweetheart, is an entity. Remember what I said about getting your legs straight? That also goes with the title 'getting your body ready for the entity'." I groaned.

"I gotta share my body with that thing? Gross."

"Learn to like it, because as of now, you and Jess? You're just an experiment. That's the only reason why you two are alive."

"Or what? What if I don't let the entity into me? What are you gonna do? And don't answer with 'I'll kill you', because if you were to do that, you would've done it by now. And if you wanted to kill me otherwise, you would've done it slowly and/or painfully because you know me most, so if yo-" I broke off. Ah. Obvious.

"Evan, no. You can't. You know that you can't."

"I know."

"Then why?"

"BECAUSE I CAN'T CONTROL IT!" He slammed his fist down on the table fuming, making me jump.

"Evan, listen to me. You can. You've got to let go. As hard as it may be, you have to. I can't be yours, not now, not ever. You and I both know that." He looked at me with sad eyes, knowing the harsh truth was something that he couldn't accept, but he also knew that he had to. Even if it meant killing me.

"What do I do?"

"Forget. Let go. Do what you have to, kill me if you need to, because by all means, I'm willing to give up my life. But you have to know that, you can't. You can't have me. You can't keep me. You can't love me." He backed up to his cart of torturing tools and put the knife away, and smiled.

"You know Sam, you've always been too good. Too good for anyone. For me, your best friend, your boyfriend, everyone. And someday, that will be your downfall. Someday, you're going to realise that everything you did for people was all for nothing. That's what makes you so easy to break, yet so difficult. That's what made me fall in love with you. Sam, do you know what you're asking of me? You're asking me to forget about the most amazing times of my life, to forget about one person that I could've ended up caring about forever. Sam, you're asking me to forget you." He walked over to me and started undoing the straps holding me down to the table.

"And that's something, I can't do." He looked down at me.

"But I can learn to." He helped me up and gave me new clothes. I raised an eyebrow at him in confusion.

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