Phones and Niall

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Sam P.O.V

"FINALLY! HOME!" I yell.

Jess comes out yelling,


God, she really needs to find more intrests.

"JESS! WAIT!" I shout. Considering my house is full of junk (bikes, canoes, car etc.) it takes a while to get into the house without making a scratch.

Just as I get in, she yells at me,


"I don't know, just calm down" I try to tell her but she keeps screaming at me.

"Where the hell is it? All my contacts are on there, and my pics, and my songs, and heaps of other things!"

"Calm down, I'll text Lou and see if one of the boys has it, it's probably just a joke" I said, gently.

To: Louis (the Tommo of all Tomlinsons ;) -  Hey babe, u have Jess's phone? She's going crazy! 

2 minutes later I get one back.

From - Louis (the Tommo of all Tomlinsons ;) - Sure babe, hey the boys and I are coming with nicknames for us, mine is Boobear, Harry's is Hazza, Liam's is Daddy Direction, Niall's is Leprechaun and Zayn's is Bradford bad boi, we're trying to think of Jess's and yours, any ideas?

LOL! That's so typical! In a funny yet crazy sort of way.

To: Louis (the Tommo of all Tomlinsons ;) - Uh, trying to come up with some, so far nothing, how about that phone?

By this time, Jess has ripped the whole apart. She has torn the couch to bits, the beds are completely stuffed up, the desks are really messy, the closets are full of clothes on the floor and the kitchen, don't get me started on the kitchen, she has liturally torn the pantry to little pieces of wood. 


"He does?" she asks. I actually do have a text from Lou.

From - Louis (the Tommo of all Tomlinsons ;) - found Jess's phone, Niall found it in Liam's room, wonder what he's doing in there? Anyway came up with a name for Jess, Scary boss?

Once again, LOL!

To: Louis (the Tommo of all Tomlinsons ;) - Uhhh, NAH! Anyway, drop the phone off tomorrow?

I text back.

"Yep, Niall found it in Liam's room, but they'll drop it off in the morning, and go to bed, OK?, Everything will be OK" I say, bossy like.

"WHY YOU'RE MAKING ALL THE SAME MISTAKES!" She yells down the hall.

'Or else we'll play, play, play all the same old games, and we wait,wait, wait for the en-' . MY PHONE! Blocked number.

"Hello?" I say, not knowing who this might be.

"Hey Sam, It's Joe...

Louis P.O.V

To: Sam xx - Sure babe, see you in the morning, love you ;-)

This is the good-night text I sent to Sam. She text me asking if Jess's phone is here. 

*Flashback (5 minutes ago)*

"BOYS! JESS'S PHONE IS LOST! WE NEED TO FIND IT, OTHERWISE, uh, BAD THINGS WILL HAPPEN!" I yell from the hang out. It's hard being a funny person, even though that wasn't that funny.

"Ok, I'll check here, Lou, you check the other lounge, Harry, you check the kitchen, Niall you check the bedrooms and Zayn, you check the couches" Liam orders. After a few minutes, Niall shouts

"Wait who's phone is...oh...FOUND IT!". I'm guessing he found it considering it has us all over it. 

*flashback ends*

Ah, youth.

From - Sam xx - See you in the morning, don't u dare drag me again! love you too ;-) 

"AWW! Is Louis texting his wuvly guwlfwend!" the boys tease.

"Shut up, it's not like I'm the only one in the world that has a girlfriend...stop being so immature" I say bossily. We all laugh until our sides hurt, but even then we still laugh and laugh..and laugh..and laugh..well, you pretty much get the idea.

"OK, now, let Lou text Sam back so I can go to sleep. We've got to drop off the phone before the media get to us" Liam said seriously.

"OK, Night boys!" I scream as I run up the stairs. I need my bed.

To: Sam xx - Promise, night xxx ;-)

Can't wait until tomorrow...

Sam P.O.V

"Why are there so many flashes outside" I wonder out loud during brakfast. It's 9:00am and I need to get back to work again. I go outside and see Harry, Niall, Liam, Zayn and Louis get out of their car. JESS'S PHONE!

"Sorry..excuse very sorry" is what I have to repeat over and over again to get through and end up in the middle looking for the boys. Where are they?! I found them, over by the screaming girls, signing autographs and taking pics with other big directioner fans.

"HEY! WHAT THE NANDOS IS GOING ON HERE?!" Jess screams at the paparazzi.

"Uh, One Direction are right over there?" one of them say in question. She can see me in the middle and...kinda looks angry. I rush over to Harry, asking if he has the phone.

"Hey Harry, who's the chic?" the girls keep asking. I run over to Zayn.

"Where is the phone?" I ask quickly.

"With Lou" Zayn says annoyingly. What have I done? I run over to Louis.

"Hey hun, this is your way to start the morning?" I ask sarcastically. Might as well leave the kiss until we're inside. With all the media and stuff.

I immediately get a kiss on the lips. WOW! In front of...well...EVERYBODY! I can see the boys in the backround making yuk faces. 'Oh, shut up, it's not the first time' I think. All the girls have stopped yelling for the boys and the paparazzi start clicking away. Meanwhile, Jess breaks us up and starts yelling at both of us.


"Jess, calm down" Zayn tries. We all push through the crowd and end up at my house.

"!" Jess yells. Louis puts it on the table gently and Jess snatches it away.

"WHOA! 35 messages..." She goes down the hall. Zayn starts running after her. Hopefully he'll calm her down.

"I hope she'll be alright" I say.

"She'll be OK, now where were we?" Louis says and runs up the stairs to my bedroom.

"Uh, guys, help yourselves to food in the fridge an-" I try to say, but Niall just yells,

"FOOD!" and goes straight to the fridge and pantry. I laugh as I get up the stairs and into my room.

"VAS HAPPENIN" Lou says as I get into my room.

"A bucket and you" I say back. He raises an eyebrow. I raise both my eyebrows and we both crack up laughing.

"Now what?" I ask.

"Seriously, where were we?" he replys. I walk over to him.

"Uh, I think we were at this point" I say and our lips meet.

"AHHHHHHHHH!" is what I hear from downstairs, and that scream could only be Jess's.

"Jess, are you OK?" I ask while staying with Lou. What happened?

LOL, Another cliffhanger!

Hope you like it! 


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