Chapter 11

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As (Y/N) partially pulled open the mildew infused tattered curtains of her early Edwardian inspired crammed bedroom, nostalgic plumes of dust were inadvertently disseminated throughout her clustered space. Moonlight seeping in through the window intensified the settling powdered refuse.

The white luminescence of the lamp posts moderately illuminated the streets. Fog had made its presence known, throughout the neighbourhood, blanketing the streets.

One lamp post lit up the front of (Y/A/N)'s house, a vast, dull and uninspiring blanket of white hung heavily over the entrance to (Y/A/N)'s residence.

The appearance of the house façade was not dissimilar to a scene from the movie 'The Exorcist' where Father Merrin was walking up to the front of Regan MacNeil's house, ready to perform an exorcism. The sombre and dark appearance of the neighbourhood environs seemed to symbolise (Y/N)'s current situation.

She was the light of exuberance unwittingly displaced within the darkened and grim underworld. This world, inhabited by grotesque, cold-blooded and pitiless biological entities.

These wretched apparitions mimicking normal humans wanted nothing but to harm her and use her to pull themselves up to normality whilst she was being dragged down to insanity!

Perhaps, (Y/N) needed to mirror Father Merrin; to exorcise her own embedded sadistic demons; ever present and dogmatically haunting her throughout her dimensions of time be they in a time forgone, this present moment and well into the future.

Scarlett, Sherry and Lucas were three demons that she would definitely need to cast out from her life. They wanted nothing but to see her suffer and fail.

(Y/N) thought differently. She wouldn't let it happen; she'd show them and they'd know.

They'd know that she had unrivalled passion and strong aspirations of becoming a legend within the music industry.

As soon as she turned eighteen, she'd move out from this place in order to pursue her dreams of becoming a memorable star. To try and design, write, produce music and make people content and happy. Then she would never return to that place.

(Y/N) imagined herself in a mansion, living with her Dad and Mum, she would go out to perform everyday whilst her parents cheered for her in the crowd. She would have a room in her big house where she would keep a big piano and write music.

(Y/N) smiled at this sentimental and touching thought. It had been a long time since she had been able to play piano.

Before she and her Mum had moved, (Y/N) had a piano that her parents had bought for her 12th birthday. When her Mum had made the decision to move, (Y/A/N) had sold it.

Adrift, floating in time observing the streets, (Y/N) had totally lost track of the time. She'd even missed sunrise; at which time our glowing star (though nanoscopic in comparison to VY Canis Majoris), illumined the sky.

Its ebullient beams painted the horizon with an ombré of light turquoise and a coruscating iridescent pearl pink. It peeked out from a fluffy white cloud as (Y/N) watched the fanciful surreal sight.

After a while, she glanced at her alarm clock which was perched on her bedside table. It displayed: 7:00am, she would have to ready herself for school.

(Y/N) got ready and slung her backpack onto her back before walking downstairs to find her Aunt lying down on the couch with a glass bottle in her hand. She had been drinking again.

"You piece of sh*t! You faked those f**king bruises so that you could stay home!" (Y/A/N) yelled, standing up from the couch and making her way over to her niece.

"I didn't fake it! I got beat up!" (Y/N) fired back.

"You're so weak, and you're an absolute lowlife you know that?"

"So, what should I do? Just hang back, grab a bottle of vodka and get drunk like you?"

At that instant, (Y/A/N) slapped (Y/N) with her hand. Instantly, shooting numerous death looks towards her niece.

"F**k you!" (Y/N) shrieked.

(Y/N) had then ran out the front door and made her way to school. The morning was cold and the wind felt like a butcher's knife piercing through her clothes and slicing her skin.

She could see her breath hanging in the misty air, floating before dissolving into the hazy morning air.

(Y/N) was glad that her Aunt hadn't brought out the belt. She just hoped that today would be better than the day that Lucas had beaten her to a pulp. This time she would keep out of sight and make sure that no one saw her. Especially Scarlett, Lucas and Sherry.

Throughout the day, (Y/N) had done exactly as she planned. During class she would sit at the back, avoiding anyone that had looked at her and had tried to talk to her. When it was break time, she would go to the toilet cubicle and quietly eat her food, without leaving a trace. To her advantage, neither Sherry, Scarlett or Lucas had seen her, so she was safe. At least she thought she was.

Once school had concluded, (Y/N) began walking home. Hopefully the alcohol that (Y/A/N) had consumed would have made her forget about the incident in the morning.

She was just walking down the street, halfway to her house when she heard footsteps behind her before a familiar voice spoke:

"Well, well, well, look who it is."

(Y/N) turned around to see Sherry and Scarlett.

"Just leave me alone!" (Y/N) cried.

"We're gonna make you pay, (Y/N)." Sherry stated, coming closer to face (Y/N).

Someone grabbed (Y/N) from behind, preventing her from running or basically doing anything.

"Make sure she doesn't get away Lucas," Scarlett ordered.

"What the f**k do you want?" (Y/N) spat.

"To get you checked off of my revenge list," Sherry chuckled.

Scarlett pulled out a syringe filled with a dark liquid before speaking, "This won't hurt, one little bit."

"HELP SOMEONE! HELP ME! LET ME GO YOU F**KING BASTARDS! SOMEONE HELP ME PLEASE!" (Y/N) screamed for her life, however no one came to the rescue.

(Y/N) struggled in Lucas' grip, fighting to escape. However, she was not able to break free.

Scarlett plunged the syringe into (Y/N)'s arm. (Y/N)'s vision went blurry, making her feel dizzy as stars danced before her eyes.

The last thing she had seen was Sherry and Scarlett along with hearing their diabolical laughs before she had passed out.

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