Chapter 16

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Just so you know:

(Y/D/N)-Your Dad's name


(Y/N) searched through the wardrobes and rummaged through the various bedroom dressers, chests and bedsitters of her newly domiciled bedroom. She was keen to locate a fresh set of clothes to wear. Her persistent efforts in scrutinising every drawer and each shelf paid off as she found an assortment of garments each folded as neatly as the next.

(Y/N) randomly selected some garments only to discover that they were peculiarly her exact same-fit size. Not only that, but astonishingly they were very similar in style to what she would usually wear.

(Y/N) freshened up, donned on her newly discovered ensemble and proceeded to make her way downstairs.

As she was nearing the last step of the staircase, an unknown, fetid, burly man walked past. His dark khaki overcoat was tattered, malodorous and appeared to be infused with dread. His face was uncommonly hidden away by a hockey mask.

To further extenuate this inexplicably strange sight, the gruff man was in possession of a frightening and alarming machete. His tight grip was ominously evident.

As quickly as (Y/N) was about to ask this man who he was, he simply vanished out of sight.

As (Y/N) was making her way to the kitchen, she saw an oversized, 17th century Italian grand walnut table (possibly built prior to 1650). Instead of being adorned with intricately embossed designs the grand old table was befouled with dirtied crockery and cutlery as well as smudged wine and water glasses.

Numerous food stuffs had been left on the table including the remains of a mysterious looking piece of liver on one of the plates.



Is anyone here?" (Y/N) called as she walked over to the dining table.

No one responded but fortuitously, a young teenage girl presented herself to the dining room. She looked as if she was sixteen. Her hair was straight and long, resting past her shoulders with a segment slightly covering her face.

Though introspective, her glistening Eton blue eyes looked as if they were orbs from an alternate dimension.

"Who are you?" (Y/N) asked the girl.

"C-Carrie," she said softly. She suddenly became interested in examining the patterns on the carpet.

"W-w-what i-is g-going on in here?" an unfamiliar voice said.

(Y/N) swivelled around to see the source of the brief utterance. It was a man with dark brown hair. His eyes appeared to be similar in colour to his hair. His hands were slightly trembling as he placed them on his hips; attempting to look threatening.

"What do you mean?" (Y/N) replied.

"T-t-these d-d-dishes! I-it's a m-mess!"


Ghostface energetically burst into the dining room, stopping when he saw (Y/N). he tilted his head to the side, observing (Y/N).

"(Y/N)?" Ghostface said, sounding slightly confused.

"Uhhh...yeah?" (Y/N) responded.

"You finally made it! You're here!" he exclaimed.

(Y/N) was about to speak, when Ghostface instigated a bone-crushing bear-hug. It made (Y/N) feel like every last portion of air was being squeezed out of her. (Y/N) gathered what strength she could forcefully but politely pulled away from Ghostface.

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