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Twelve years later

(Y/N) clearly observed the Sir Lawrence Alma Tadema designed brilliant artwork: specifically, being the Alma-Tadema Steinway grand piano from 1887, located on the gigantic stage. It's positioning there had been executed with military and surgical precision necessitating an expert team of 36 highly qualified piano moving technicians collectively having close to a millennia years' experience with antique pianos.

This beautiful classic grand piano was waiting for (Y/N). She walked on stage and immediately noted the massive crowd in excess of 80,000-all there just for her.

She was now ready to take a seat on the most exquisite French antique grand piano bench. Made of superior mahogany, decorated with intricately woven, French designs and elaborately embossed with pure gold, this most certainly benefitted such a period piano.

Her fans were all watching her and waiting. She thought about how far she'd come, working diligently (and for so long). The hard, difficult years of work had finally paid off.

She was now where she'd always wanted to be, she'd done it. She was fulfilling her dream without question.

Glancing at the mega crowd, she felt their awe, contentedness and happiness. In return she gave them all a most heartfelt smile before adjusting the microphone and saying:

"I want to thank all of you so much for coming here tonight. I couldn't have done it without any of you. You all mean so much to me. I truly love you all...very much.

In life, you...me...all of us are going to come across and meet people, that's inevitable. Most will be genuinely good, but some, I repeat 'some' will want to use and discard you; while a minority will even precipitate your demise, waiting with envy to see you fail, fall and suffer.

Eventually hoping to elevate their egotistical presence at your expense. To laugh behind your back! Though life can be extremely complicated, there is one simple notion, you...me...all of us can abide by, and that's to never ever give up!

You have to give life the middle finger and say "f**k you!" because to give-up is easy. Anyone can easily give up. But it takes determined effort and courageous strength to keep going on, pursuing your goals and then ultimately achieving your dreams.

I want all of you to remember that each and every one of you are beautiful the way you are! You don't have to change for anyone." (Y/N) declared. The fans began to cheer for her. She continued:

"Tonight, I'm going to be singing the most iconic and legendary song that was ever made. It's my favourite song of all time.

Although no one can sing it as beautifully as Freddie can, I'm going to try my best. For so many years I've dreamed of being on a big stage like this, performing for all of you and making you happy. Years and years of hard work has paid off...that's why I'm here. Thank you everyone.

The song I'm performing is Bohemian Rhapsody. It's for all of you, for my family and for Queen."

(Y/N)'s fingers began to glide across the piano keys without her hands making any contact; she sang...ever so elegantly, soulfully. Her fans singing along with her.

While performing the song she let all her happiest feelings take over her, a sense of euphoria and love was ever so present.

While the solo and operatic section came in (Y/N) continued playing the piano, duly concentrating not to miss a key.

The opera segment of the song soon transitioned into pure hard rock; bright lights accompanied by fireworks became the main source of light. An unimaginable roar from the fans exuding their zealous exuberance and exultation was prevalent.

(Y/N) sang the lyrics with gusto and elation. Then with determination and compassion before bounding towards the piano, the hard rock fading away to a more calm and cultured tune:

"Nothing really matters,

Anyone can see,

Nothing really matters,

Nothing really matters,

Tooo meeee

Anyway, the wind blows!"

(Y/N) sang as the song came to a close. As she ended, the audience was alive with unprecedented applause.

"Thank you! I love all of you so much!" (Y/N) cried as she made her way backstage.

She was happy now; she could focus on doing what she loved and not worry about her negative past. She didn't have to think about those bygone, those feral rodents Scarlett, Sherry or Lucas. They were gone now, never to come back...ever!

(Y/N) remembered the night she had pulled on that mask of the creepy wolf head. How she'd gotten her instrument of destruction and killed the three bullies.

That night when she, Michael and Ghostface arrived back at the Bates Motel, everyone there had given her a nickname.

She knew that it was in her nature to be kind, gentle and loving. However, when it came to protecting her friends, family or herself she could be as powerful and relentless as a deranged alpha wolf. She'd made her position know. She was known as:

The weeping wolf.

The End


Hey guys so that's the end!  What did you think of this epilogue?  And what did you think of the story as a whole?  Do you guys have any questions?  If you do leave them in the comments and I'll answer them!

I have some REALLY important stuff to announce so continue reading to the next part which will take to you a REALLY important A/N

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Keep reading to the next part!

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