Chapter 23

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I just realized
I put charcoal and chicken both as a different person
But they really aren't...
I just confused myself so badly

I probably confused you readers and i definitely didn't mean to
So sorry
Really am..

So what I was trying to say was
Chicken asked me to go to the park with him a month ago..
Or at least i think it was a month ago
I'm not sure really right now
Its been a while though
I have to admit

And Chicken admits his love
So confusing right?

Later on he texts me if i want to go to six flags with him
But i told him i couldn't since I'm going to the pool the next day with my best friend
I invite chicken to the pool and he agreed
So the next day we hanged at the pool
Me, my best friend, and chicken, the guy i like
And it was only an hour until his cute little brothers came into the pool area saying that chicken had to go
Chicken left without saying anything
Hawk, my best friend, we biked back to my house and dried off
We both kinda got confused why chicken left so I texted him
He didn't answer until the next day saying he went to six flags with his brothers

So instead of not going to six flags with me
he decided to go to six flags with his brother exactly on the day
I asked him to go hang out with me and Hawk
Like umm what??
Choose whenever you want..
It was a Thursday
You could have went Friday with your brothers

After that he texted me possibly a few days later asking if we are a couple
Like umm.. what???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
So confusing..
You just admitted your love for me like a week ago
you leave me on the day of the pool party an hour later
Without saying why
Text me only a day later when Chicken probably got home around 7
And then ignore me for another two days
Having your friend text me on the same app saying I texted chicken
And instead of replying back, chicken didn't text me back until 4 hours later
Tell me that you were busy for two days straight and not having time
Like really?
And he's texting me if we are a couple yet?
Is he serious?
Is he really serious???

I'm just surprised he even said that

You readers probably don't understand this
But I'm impatient
And i love it when people reply back to me instantly
Instead of waiting 10 minutes to reply only back with a "hi"

Also, we are now dating since a month ago..

-end of chapter 23

i had to make this super long since i haven't been on this for a very long time so I have to say, this is over 500 words and I'm not even kidding. I hope you enjoyed this even though it's very long and I'm hoping to keep continuing during high school. Thank you. -Lake

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