Walking Home

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Taehyung pov

      I wait outside of school for Jungkook so we could meet up for his tutoring. That's all it is Taehyung tutoring, so keep yourself in control and try not to be too socially awkward, or say something that your regret as soon as it leaves your lips. Oh and dear lord pleas—

      "Hey Taehyung!" A very familiar deep voice says, not as deep as mine, but still so beautifully deep, interrupting my inner babble of what not to do.

      I whirl around and as always suck in a deep breath, because damn this boy is a heart throb to the max! Taehyung! Stop your a tutor not a freaking creep. I take a deep breath and put on my best attempt of a warm smile. Instead my stupid ugly box smile makes its appearance and I immediately hate myself and look away.

        "Hey." I mutter back and start walking along with Jungkook to his house where we decided to study in last period as we texted back and forth different places, also where I made it very clear we will NOT be studying at my house EVER. Being openly gay and your father despising it so much that he beats you, means it's a pretty damn good idea not to bring a guy over, ever.

       "I don't know if this is weird to say, but umm... cool smile?" Jungkook said it as if it were a question and a blush crept across my cheeks.

        "Nah it's not. I get bullied quite a lot for it, but it's whatever I guess." I shrug looking a the sidewalk so he doesn't see my now rosy cheeks.

        "I'm sorry." Is all he says and I just nod and we continue down the street.

          We walked down the street in silence. Passing houses and neighbors as we walk to where ever Jungkook lives. We pass a couple of horse fences where I so childishly stop and pet the ones near the fence cooing at their beauty. What? I love animals.

     "Can I ask you something?" Jungkook says smiling at me as I kiss a horse on the muzzle stroking its neck softly.

       "Umm sure." I say looking away from the horse giving him a thin lipped smile in return not wanting my box smile to slip again.

      "Why did you say and I quote in all caps 'WE ARE NEVER AND I MEAN NEVER EVER STUDYING AT MY HOUSE!!!'?" He says gesturing for us to keep moving and I pet the horse one last time before moving on.

         "Uh cause my house is a wreak." I say quickly.

         "That's a bullshit answer." He says in return side eyeing me.

         "Look it doesn't matter cause we're not ever studying there so please drop it." I mumble kicking a rock down the path.

        "Okay then. Anyways we're here." Jungkook says taking the lead and me falling in step behind him.

         I look up to see a decently sized house with a pretty fenced in yard. Trees, bushes and flowers decorated the yard with a small Koi pond in the corner. The house it's self was a brick and siding house with welcoming flowers signs and such about the place. It was a gorgeous home and I adored it.

       "Come on," Jungkook said standing in the door frame of the front down signaling for me to come in. "Mom I'm home and I have a friend over whose gonna help me get my grades up so please keep it down!" He yelled into the house as he and I walked towards the stairs.

       "Jungkook-ah!" A woman squeals coming around the corner stopping us before we reach the stairs.

       She was a small petite woman with beautiful facial features. Her nose rounded and sloped like her sons, her doe eyes crinkle in the corners as she smiles. She sports the same bunny toothed smile Jungkook has. Her long raven hair done up in a braid with the few hairs that were to short to reach the braid framing her face. While their nose and smile where the same that was where the similarities stopped. So Jungkook must look a lot like his dad I thought.

      "Ooo your handsome! You must have all the girls after you as well, just like my Kookie here." She spoke making Jungkook complain about her remark and my eyes go wide at the mention of girls.

       "Umm... Thank you Mrs. Jeon, but umm actually I'm gay." I say clearing the air. Because as much hate as some people may give me for my preference in sexuality I want to be completely open so I can be myself and not closeted.

         "Oh I'm sorry if I've offended you," She says quickly her smile faltering a bit at her mistake. "Well then I'm sure you have many boys after you and some go gay for you." She smiles brightly again reminding me of my mother, so accepting so warm.

         Except my mothers warm ness was fake she wasn't happy in this world. She was a dreamer who wanted to know what happened after death. If there really was a heaven or hell, if you are reincarnated, etc. She would always speak to me of such things and how she wanted to know more about the world and death. It should have scared me, but it was fascinating and I couldn't help, but listen. She experimented with self-harm which she tried to hide from me, but I accidentally walked in on her in the process of dragging a knife along her thigh. She had a long talk with me about it and told me though she has the thoughts and feelings to never follow in her footsteps.

Not many people knew of this dark strange side of her. She hid it knowing it worries people and scares people to find or hear about someone so fascinated with death. Finally one day she came to me a week or so after I came out to her. She said "You are finally out and you. Now take care of yourself. I love you."
The next day she was missing and a few days after that she was found at the bottom of a cliff.

         That's why my father blames me because only after I came out did she kill herself. My father knew of her weird death fascination and was worried that one day she would end her life to soon and he was correct. What he doesn't get though is that mother supported me and love me and it wasn't my coming out that killed her it was her dreams and wishes that did.

      "Alright well we're gonna go I really need to get my grades up so I can stay on the team." With that we waved bye to his mother and headed to his room.


Well know you know more about Taehyung's mom's death

Sorry for not updating I've been really busy and I'm about it start back up in
Soccer, football. Which ever you prefer to call it, but that's going to start taking a lot of my time so no promises on any updates.

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