Ashton Irwin

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You held the little baby in your hands, it's bright eyes shining up at you. He was only 2 months old.

You weren't with the farther, due to the fact you didn't love him anymore. You have found someone else, Ashton Irwin.

Your thought he was perfect, best of all he accepted you had a child. He loved and cared for him, singing him to sleep taking him in his pram on walks. He would do anything for him.

'He is going to see his daddy tonight!' You said, Ashton was standing next to you. Ashton did not know who his dad was, and was never there when he would come and collect the baby.

'What is he called?' Ashton asked, he has being trying subtly all day to find out who the dad was.

'Harry.' You say, trying to move on you gave him the baby whist packing all his stuff up.

You heard the door, a knuckled being knocked against it. Your eye widened, quickly opening it you smile forcefully. Handing him the bag you turned round to see Ashton walking towards the door.

'There he is!' You say, quickly taking him off Ashton. You carefully handed him over to Harry, trying to shut the door before Ashton could see.

'Hello little one.' Harry said, his face closer to the babies.

Ashton gently pushed you out the way so he could see who was speaking.

'Harry?' Ashton questioned, when he looked up Ashton's eyes went wide. 'what?' He then looked over at you, looking for some sort of explanation.

'Ashton! It has been a long time! How are you?'

'I'm good, you know just found who my girlfriends babies farther is!' He squeaked.

'Oh you didn't know?' Harry said, they both looked at you now.

'I just didn't want it to be awkward, I know you two are close friends and I want to keep you that way, I thought it would be weird me having a baby with Harry Styles, whilst I am dating Ashton Irwin!' You put your hands up in defence.

'Oh it's fine isn't it Ash?' Harry smiled, and eventually Ashton nodded. Harry said his goodbyes before walking to his car.

'You were with Harry?' He asked, which you responded with a nod. 'You had a baby! Why-why aren't you with him?!' Ashton's voice was rising each word.

'I don't love him okay? As soon as you came along it never felt right with Harry so I ended it. He was heartbroken as was I but we moved on, what I didn't know was that I was pregnant! So that is why it took so long for me to start dating you, I wasn't ready!' You breathed out a long breath, his arms crossing over your chest,

Ashton nodded, not speaking a word instead just hugging you.

'I love you.'

Ashton Irwin imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now