OMG! not another vampire story!

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Hi everyone! This my first story so I hope this goes well! Wish me luck! >.< Anyways, I couldn't think of a very good title so I'm just gonna call it "OMG! not another vampire story!" Just for info. this is a story I was writing for my bff Hannah because she had photography and she always got bored so she told me send her something, so i can up with a story that would please her. This story IS about 'US' even though none of us know hot vampires, we wish we did... And also the revolution is a thing we have where I live where 'teens' meet and listen to local ( and sometimes not so local) bands play (christian, even though I'm none religious...) scremo music... Anyways... just for pre-warning I am NOT the best writer... (T.T) I try to pre check, but miss stuff and most of it ends up being kind of short (or atleast I think so...) Besides that, please enjoy!!!


Once upon a time there was a vampire who was very confused. And no he didn't sparkle like some people might think... he could go out in the day light but was weak from the brightness. Other than that he was normal, except for the drinking of blood part.

What most confused him were his feelings. See, he liked this girl he saw one time at the revolution in Litchfield. He didn't know what to do because it was love at first sight. She was tall and seemed a bit older than she probably was, but he was taller, and of course older by a couple centuries seeing as he was born in the 1800's. She had dark hair and seemed to fit in there, but didn't stand out like this other girl that was blond with flashy emo (or whatever they call it) clothes. He was blown away by her for no reason at all, but decided he must have her.

By the next time the revolution came he went ready to find her, but she wasn't there! His heart sank and his thirst raged. He decided to go find blood to drink before he lost control because when his emotions were out of control, so was his thirst. He found some girl alone outside with crazy died hair and a weird mismatched outfit. He seduced her into going behind the building with him and began to drink. Tears poured down his face as his heart filled with grief at what he had done. Another human dead. How many people would suffer until his thirst was satisfied? He looked in her pockets and found a knife. He slashed her neck open; covering the teeth marks and making it look like suicide. She seemed unstable anyways. He left her and went home.

The next week he went back to the revolution hoping to see the girl who took his heart. He got there early. Then, right before the music started, she walked in with a friend that seemed opposite of her. His heart raced as he walked towards her. He didn't know what to say, or how to say it. When he was standing in front of her he just smiled and kissed her on the hand. The girls face turned completely red as he said "hello, my name is Alexander".

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