Back from Eco Point

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Symmetra's POV

it's been a month since Me and Jamison's date. I like hugging the plushie he won me every night, it's so soft and warm. I hear Athena come online, "Agent Symmetra, Mei-Ling Zhou is coming back from Eco Point Antarctica in an hour" Mei? i thought she would stay at that Eco Point for a while, but i don't mind Mei is one of my best friends in the Overwatch family so i'll be happy to see her. I put on my usual uniform and heads to the workshop to help torbjorn with his turret construction. I go in the workshop and i see Torbjorn and his Brigitte looking at blueprints.

They turn to see me and smile, "Satya great to see you" Torjorn said

"it's lovely to see you two as well" I walk to them. "did you hear that Mei's coming?"

Brigitte smiles "really? i thought she was gonna stay for a while."

"me too but she's coming back"

Jack Morrison comes into the workshop "Mei is here lets go"

We all go to the main lobby and Mei was there dressed in a winter coat with snowball floating next to her. "Mei!" I wave to her and she smiled at me

"Satya!" She hugs me tight and snowball nuzzles against me

"hey snowball" I pet the floating robot then looks at Mei "I thought you were gonna stay in Ecopoint a bit longer" Mei's smile faded and snowball had a sad look on his face. "Mei did something happen?"

Mei gulped "e-everyone...they died i survived i dont know how i survived. The professors, doctors and the interns, they died when we went into hibernation." I hug Mei

"shhhh Mei it's ok you dont have to talk about it anymore."

Torb and  Brigitte looked at each other and torb sighed "i knew those hibernation pods were not safe"

Jack butts in "we'll send recruits to get the bodies and they will be buried in honor." He saluted to Mei
Mei bows to him, "thank you very much Jack." Jack leaves and Mei looks at me, "I heard from Winston that there's new recruits went can I meet them."
I smile a bit, "soon Mei there will be a party for your return"
Mei blushes, "oh my goodness thank you so much you guys." Snowball happily flies around looking quite excited that there's gonna be a party. I giggle and leave the area and goes to my work station but Torb stopped me.
"Take the day off Satya they may need your talent to help decorate for the party."
I smile, "thank you torb." I head to the main area of where the party is gonna be and everyone was standing planning the decorations and food. Tracer, genji , dva and I will decorate and Ana, Reinhardt and mercy will cook the food. We have a plan now let's make it a reality. 
Within an hour we finished  the decorations and that's when Lucio came. We were happy to see each other actually, he helped me realize overwatch was much better then vishkar and we always update each other on our good deeds we do. So it's nice to see him in real life after so long, I walked up to him, "thank you for coming lucio this means a lot to all of us.
He laughs and hugs me, "it's cool satya im just happy Mei is home safely so I'll be happy to DJ."
I smile, "well you set up I'm going to shower and get ready for the party"
"Kk see you soon my Hindi sister"

Hey guys I'm not enjoying writing this story anymore so idk if I should stop because I wanna make you guys happy. I am writing a better story called Dangerous Love and I think I'll write the story more than this one

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