Chapter 4

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We kept talking for a while and I noticed. I actually befriended a robot...Right after getting shot down by one.

"Amber!" He yells up the stair on the cabin.

"I want you to meet someone."

"There's another robot?!" I respond, being nosy.

He laughs, just a second after a blonde haired girl with a big rifle on her back came. She was wearing this over-revealing clothing that doesn't look protective at all. She sipped beer as she came down the stairs.

"What." She replies, looking at Adrian.

"Amber Alert!" He yells, teasing her.

"Quiet before I rip your steel arm off." She says calmly.

She looks over to me

"Who's this?"

Her deep blue eyes were like an ocean, but her stare almost rips my soul out.

"Ava, right?" He looks over at me of approval of saying my name right.


"Welcome to our little shack Ava! Nice to have another girl around!" She walks over to be friendly and shakes my hand. After saying that last part she glares into Adrian's eyes.

"What did I do?!"

"You left the toilet seat up again. I didn't even know robots could relieve themselves untell I moved in with you" She would roll her eyes.

I snicker in the corner but immediately stop, it felt like something was stabbing me in the guts.


"I'll get you more bandages!" He snapped into the kitchen.

She looks at me. "Aren't you that girl from earlier?"

I start to remember "That was you?!"

"Mhm! I master in body paint so I had some fun pretending to be a policeman until you came along. I haven't seen a human since 10 years ago."

"How old are you?" I ask

"Twenty, I've been around long enough to experience both times, before robots and after. They were right when they said they were life changing on the commercials."

"Oh, I'm 19." I take a sip of the coffee in my hand.

"Since Adrian is one of the older robots he's 10 years old but in robot years he's 20. Sure doesn't act like it though." She says

"Hey!" He yells from the kitchen.

"Shut up!"

"Make me!"

She looks back at me with a cheerful smile and starts explaining again. "But he's one of the older models! He won't turn himself in for an update because he says "It'll change him into a killing machine" like who believes that?! He just wants to stay as a human looking robot" Saying that she did quotation marks with her hands.

He walks into the living room with new bandages and throws them at me.

"Thanks." I begin unfurling the gauze and commenced removing the old ones placing them on part by part.

Authors Note:

I've begun to notice that most stories or chapters are longer than mine so I'm going to start to make them longer like this one but that means the process of getting them out is going to slow down!

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