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    Lily Mcroy was 12 years old girl with dark brown hair and had on a green camoflauge shirt on with brown pants . She was very skinny and and was 5.4 feet tall. She always has on a gold charm bracelet that stands for her mom, because her mom past away. She is an only child, so she only has her dad to talk to. She is very shy so she dosen't have very many friends. She dosent have a phone so the only way to talk to people is by mail or in person. Her dad was in jail for 10 years so she had to live with her aunt for a very long time. Her dad was in jail for abusing his old neighbor, and thats exactly what he was going to do to Lily.

     "Honey are you in your room?" Lily's dad Ryan asked Lily because she was upstairs reading."Yah dad up here just trying to finish my book, why ya ask?"Lily quietly yelled back at her father."Just wondering. Wanted to make sure you weren't hurt or sad or anything.""Nope. I'm fine" Lily was  just about to come downstairs and then all of the sudden she hears her dog crying. Why would he be crying?"Buster!Buster! Where are you Buster?" Lily was screaming.She kept screaming Busters name but he wouldn't come. Finally Buster came limping up the stairs."Oh Buster whats wrong? Lets get you upstairs so we can fix your leg. I think I have some stuff to fix that in my room." Lily walked slowly with Buster up the long stairs.They got to Lily's room and she heard her dad yelling,"GET DOWN HERE BUSTER I'M NOT DONE WITH YOU!" Lily locked her door and put dresser up against the door. Lily fixed Buster but should she let him back down again? No, what if my dad hurts him again? What if Buster dies? Lily is not going to let Buster down."IF YOUR NOT GOING TO COME DOWN I WILL COME UP. FAIR AND SQUARE!" Her dad screamed up at Lily again. Lily could hear her dad walking up the stairs." What should I do? Climb out the window? How will Buster get out? Should I hide?"Lily thought to herself. Lily's face lit up like a lightbulb after thinking hard for her escape.

     Lily grabbed her easter basket and cleared evrything out of it. She grabbed a rope out of her closet and tied it to the handle of the easter basket. She put Buster in the basket and carried him to the window.she tied the other end of the rope to the screw on the windowsill. Lily jumped in the basket and it went FLYING down to the deck. Lily looked inside the house to see where her dad was and he was nowhere to be seen. Lily ran into the woods behind her house, she looked behind and saw a shadow move. She started to run slower and she saw her dad, with a knife, running after her.

    Lily ran as fast as she could. She caught up to Buster, which he was like 7 feet in front of her. Now Lily and her dad were like 20 feet away from eachother. Lily turned the corner with Buster and hid in these greenish, brownish colored bushes. Her dad was at a two way stop and went the different way that Lily didn't. Lily thought in her head,"should i go back to my house and call the police? No. what if he finds me in the bushes? I cant stay in here forever." Lily looked around for another place to hide. She couldnt go very  far because her dad was still in site. She got out of the bushes very quietly. Lily and Buster walked around and hid behind this very fat tree, the tree was about 40 feet high and about 20 feet wide. The trees branches were really thick and low to the ground. Lily stepped on the lowest branch and she relized that it was stable enough for her and Buster. Lily and Buster steppeed on the second branch, the the third, then the fourth,etc. Finally Lily realized that she was 30 feet up the tree.

    Lily realized that she could see her dad and she was making sure that her dad did not find her. Her dad turned around and starting looking up in the trees. Lily started FREAKING OUT. What if her dad finds her in the tree? Her dad walked right by the tree that Lily was in. All the sudden Buster started whining. Lily's dad looked up in the tree and saw just Buster in the tree."OH SO YOU THOUGHT YOU COULD HIDE???" Lily's dad yelled. He started to climb up the tree. "What do you want from me?" Lily said back down to her dad."I WANT YOU BECAUSE YOUR MY DAUGHTER, WHY DO YOU KEEP RUNNING AWAY FROM ME?"" You have a knife and you hurt Busters leg." Now  Lily's dad was around 10 feet from Lily." Should I jump off?" Lily thought. Lily grabbed Buster and she stood up as high as she could and jumped off.

      Lily ran right when she hit the ground. She ran as far into the woods as she could. She looked back and she could see a tiny man running toward her which she asumed was her dad. She sped up and she looked back again and only saw tree's, bushes, and sticks. She got a feeling that she was free from her dad, but not for long. 

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