The Last Day Of School

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Sarah's POV

I don't know why the last day of school is always such a big celebration. I actually happen to like school. I guess you can say I'm the dorky one out of my friends. For me the last day of school is sad, you're saying goodbye to the amazing teachers who have educated you. Some people love the last day, some people hate it and then there are people like me who don't have feelings for it. Out of my friends I've always been the one to say don't do it it's dangerous or that candy is so unhealthy why not eat that banana on the counter or I would chicken out at the roller coasters they went on. Sometimes I wonder why they still like me.

"Sarah!" Called an unfamiliar voice. I turned around to see the person who had called me from afar. He was tall and handsome. I didn't mind his presence. "That's my name." I answered. "I'm having a party this weekend and I wanted to know if you could come?" He asked. Me at a party? "Seriously is this a joke?" I asked. "Well i invited your friends and decided it was only fair to invite you too." He replied. "Ok I need the time and your address and stuff." I said excitedly. He handed me a paper with the information. I walked to my locker and emptied out all the books and papers I had in it. I found a paper with a picture of a forest on it. And there was a girl inside. It looked almost I folded it into fourths and put it into my school bag.

The party was at 7:00pm tonight.

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