1: The New Worker

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*Your alarm goes off. You slowly roll out of bed, slip on you morning shoes and walk downstairs to the kitchen. You grab a breakfast bar and go back up to your room. Today was the first day you got to teach someone, how to do your job. You were excited yet not because you didn't know who this person was. You plugged in your curling wand and finished you breakfast bar. While your curling wand was heating up you went to the bathroom, you brush your teeth, put on your favorite deodorant, washed your face, and put on your retainer. You go back to your room grabbed you work clothes and you uniform to put over it. After getting dressed you went back to your vanity and started to curl your hair. Once done with that you put on some natural makeup on, not to much to make it noticeable by enough to make your face look smooth. You ran to your brothers room to wake him up. He wasn't there thought. You figured he must be at work already. Today was Saturday that meant work from 7am-4pm. You went back to your room, sprayed some of your favorite perfume on you, grabbed your phone and keys. You walk downstairs, locked the door, got in your car and drove to work. It was a pleasant drive beside morning traffic. That's what you get for living San Francisco. Once you made it to work, you put on your work badge and slid behind the cash register. It wasn't time to open yet so you walked around pulling out random cd's that had music on them and put them in the radio the sat in the corner of the store. You didn't put it up to loud but loud enough to where you could hear throughout the store. You went back up to the front desk and waited. Steph was suppose to be here already but I guess not. Then you heard the back door of the shop. You didn't know who it was so you quickly hid somewhere in the store for safe measures. You quickly peak up and see a tall boy, he must be the new employee? You got up and dusted the imaginary dust off your pants and shirt. He walked up to you*

???: You must be y/n?

You: Yeah I am how do you already know my name.

???: the manager told me your the one that's  going to be tell me what to do

You: I should have thought of that, your name? *you stuck out your hand for him to shake*

???: I'm- *you were both stopped from Stephanie running through the back door, she quickly ran up to the boy and introduce herself*

Steph: I'm Stephanie but everyone calls me Steph *you could already tell she was deeply in "love" with him*

???: I'm finn *he shook her hand*

You: Steph I'm pretty sure your working In the back today sorting some stuff right?

Steph: Yeah about that *she pulled you to an isle in the store* can you switch me today?

You: No, you know how excited I was to finally teach someone how to do my job *you said in a firm statement*

Steph: please y/n *she said trying to beg you*

You: You only want to teach him to spend time with him, not to your job *you said as you crossed your arms*

Steph: Please y/n I'm begging you *you pause for a minute to think*

You: Fine then, don't ever say I have done nothing for you.

Steph: Deal *she takes out her hand and shake yours* Thank you so much *she hugged you*

You: Yeah, Yeah whatever *you pulled away from her hug and you both walked back to finn*

Steph: looks like I will be helping you today *she said as she walked closer up to Finn*

You: I'll be in the back of you need anything *you shouldn't have done that, you thought to yourself. You walked to the back of the store and started to sort out cds into their category's. You reading the labels and the backs to see the song on the cd as you feel someone tap on your shoulder*

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