4: Ugly Baby

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You: You could at least say your sorry

Finn: I'm sorry

You: You obviously didn't mean it

Finn: How do you know that?

You: Because your still staring at the tv *you turn off the tv*

Finn: *facing you* Was not

You: were to

Finn: We just got to the good part please turn it back on

You: No this could be time we can learn about each other

Finn: ugh *finn rolled on to his back and went to roll back but fell of the bed*

You: *looking over the edge of the bed* Okay down there

Finn: I'm perfectly fine

You: Need help?

Finn: Nope *after 3 minutes later he gets up holding a book*

You: hand it over

Finn: Nope it's your little and baby pictures

You: Now I'm serious hand it over *he held it up in the air*

Finn: Nope I want to how cute of a baby you were

You: I was an ugly cubby baby now give it

Finn: Every baby is cubby, it's called baby fat

You: no Finn

Finn: Please anyways you said to learn about each other

You: Fine but don't ask questions about my parents

Finn: Deal now can I bring down my arm before I loose all blood circulation?

You: Yes *you sit back on your bed and scoot over for finn to sit next to you*

Finn: what age does this go from? *sits next to you*

You: Baby to my age now

Finn: I could have gotten that hint from how thick it is

You: We are skipping the hospital pictures though

Finn: Why?

You: There's people on the picture I don't like *you take the book from him and skip a couple pictures* Now before you go all mushy I was a very ugly baby

Finn: Doubt it *he takes the book from you and looks in bitter shock*

You: Told you

Finn: Well at least you beautiful now

You: You think I'm beautiful? *you say with on of your eyebrows raised up*

Finn: No

You: So I'm not beautiful?

Finn: You are

You: So I am?

Finn: Yeah But look *he held up the book next to your face* you've changed a lot, but I'm a good way

You: Why thank you Mr. Wolfhard

Finn: My pleasure, can we skip baby pictures I want to go to the stage where you had your gloup

You: Oh when I was 13 *you take the book and flip over to basically the middle of the book*

Finn: Looks like you went through a ruff patch right there *he points to your school picture*

You: Shut-up I bet the same thing happen to you

Finn: I actually did, it was way worse though

You: But now you've changed into a handsome young man, well not man but

Finn: I'm a man

You: It took you 5 minutes to get off the floor after you put yourself there

Finn: Oh look at this picture your fourteenth birthday, is violet your favorite color?

You: Yeah how did you find out?

Finn: I got the hint from every single one of your birthday cakes is violet

You: That's a big hint, anyways *you take the book and slide it quickly back under your bed* Enough about me I want to learn more about you

Finn: I don't really remember my childhood that kind of all stopped

You: Stopped how?

Finn: Remember earlier I told you about me getting a job at 13?

You: Yeah?

Finn: I'm an actor

You: I don't believe you

Finn: I'll prove it Come here *he pulled out his phone and went to google and searched his name* Finn Wolfhard Canadian Actor

You: What have you played in?

Finn: A lot of stuff I don't even remember

You: Why aren't you acting right now?

Finn: I'm taking a break for about year a year and a half one of them

You: Why do you work at the music store then?

Finn: Because I want a normal life

Word Count: 672

A/N- The chapters will get longer I promise 🤞🏻 Don't forget to vote!

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