Ch.8:Haunted House

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As I wake up on my bed I see Dottie Up reading a book with No ears and Tail... "Morning Dottie.."I Say half asleep "morning.."Dottie says A bit Upset "What's Wrong?"I say worried.."Blaze" Dottie responds "Blaze?" I say confused. She had a big crush on him.."What happened?.."I say "He's Been Weird First of and I'm Just...Mad at him right now... I'll get over it"Dottie responds In a soft voice as She Heads downstairs Still reading the book..."Alright..."I say Heading down..."Ariana!!"I hear Daniel say as I head down to cook Some food to See Aunt melissa Packing my bag along with the others..."Where are we going?"I respond to See Kawaii~Chan "The haunted house With no Aarmau!!!" Melissa Responds With a Big Groan "alright Lets go then" Blaze says looking at Dottie..."Yea.."Dottie responds...

"Yea.."I respond to Blaze...What happened to him?...Why is he like this?.. "Dottie c'mon.."Ariana Says Putting her Hand on my shoulder..."Y-Yea.."I respond Leaving the Boat and Staying close to Ariana..."Wanna be haunted house Buddies?" Ariana Says "YEA!! I never been a Haunted house person..."I respond to see her giggle and Daniel go over to Blaze and ask the same question "Why ask me? How about Daniel?"I say "If I asked Daniel You would be stuck with blaze!"She responds "Thanks For keeping that In mind" Is Say Happily..

As we head in the haunted house I see Ghost Get too close to Zane and as a meifwa I am I pull Zane away from ghost and Tell him This way!! "Thanks Kawaii~Chan..." Zane Says out of breath. "Zane..Did you want me to Ship you with someone?..."I say..."Where is this coming from?..."He says "Because if I would ship you with anyone...I would ship you with me..."I say..."Kawaii~Chan..."He says.. "Zane..I like you..."I say a bit red.."Your their for me...and you.."I say Getting closer to his face and...Kissing him!!

"I wonder where They"went I say to dottie "Hehehehe mabye Kissing~" Dottie says "Mabye~"I say Back "Huh?" I hear dottie say as We look around... "where did everyone go?"I hear blaze and daniel behind us Say...Oh no...Dottie me Daniel And Blaze are Lost in the Haunted House...But worst of all..Blaze is here and dottie Isint comfortable with him right now...Oh no..."Daniel Come here!"I say as Daniel follows me.."Sorry dottie!" I apologize in advanced As She's Stuck with blaze...

<3 My ship! Huehuehuehue welp 448 Words Used!! I know It's short but The next one will be Long!!Hope you guys still enjoying The stories!

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