ch: 22 Bonds

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Hey everyone! Please pull throigh with me on these days! My mom left a few days ago and Im still adjusting! Anyways! On to the Story!

Agent R-

The ground shakes as we look up to the demon. He falls to his knees and pants. We look at eachother."leave and find help." The guy in white says. "What?!" Toby says."You cant be serious! Look at you! You wont last a second on your own!" I yell. "Find the women with raven hair just as tho's many years ago. I can feel her presents here with us. She's the only one here who can fend him off." She says."what the hell are you walking about?!" Toby yells.

The demon Yells grunts and groans in the backround."Just listen! Their is no time! She can hold a relic! Give her one!" He yells. Me and Toby Are stumped."I wont be able to hold him off for long alone! GO!." He yells. I run as Toby follows be behind.

Demon warlock-

I smirk as I give him a taste of my Magic. He Blocks and his eyes start to glow. He stands in a fighting stance. I laugh."This again, You really are just a stupid old Man. No wonder you let so many people take advantage of your past." I say. "I chose to believe that this world is worth protecting I chose to step in when the world needed me. I trusted each one of them to do the same." He says.

"And yet here we are! And where are they now?! This is where it all ends!" I yell."dont you dare underestimate the lengths of someone who is willing to go to protect what they hold dear." He says."Mother..It is time." He says as the fire ranges through my eyes. And we fight.


I look up to all the Noises above. And so does aphmau and Terry. "That can not be good.."I say. Ghost starts taking over and Starts to press buttons."Collection procedure? But, Nothing was captured? What does that mean?" Ghost says. "Travis." Terry says."We need to head back to see what happened and we nees to make sure everyone i-"Ghost gets cut off by terry."I have something I need to do." He says.

"What?" Ghost says."Dont tell me your planning on going up their!" I yelp."Im not going to let him suffer his fate alone he's my son." Terry says."their's no way you can stop him alone!" I yelp."And...I dont intend to try.."he says as his eyes get teary.."I know Michael Will eventually find me and Kill least it can be on my own terms..then I can tell my son I love him..Just...One last time.."he says.

"Y-You..would Die..?" I ask.."We could still do something..this isint over yet.." Ghost says.."even if we could save him.. Micheal wpuld just use me as a vessel again..this is the fate of my family it always has been..If you do stop him.. Kill him..please..tell his friends to remember him for who he was.."Terry says..."Here. You might need this.." He says as he hands we the suitcase and leaves.

"What can we do..?"Ghost says..And were in the void."we have been here before.."I say.."What do you mean.. You have never been here.."Ghost says. "No, that's not what I mean. Remember the lodge? No hope? No way out? We had people we cared About that were in danger but we worked together and Made it work.if we give up now than yea we will fail but if you and I will work together we can make it work!" I say."Emmalyn. That's your name right? I know it now. Emmalyn we can do this. Lets figure a way to help them!" I say.

Random p.o.v.

Garroth Goes for Zane as Katelyn Breaks through Lucinda's ice spell. Garroth Lifts up his sword as Zane looks over to Nana.

Zane's P.O.V-

I lift up my hands as Zia Helps Nana."I have To Protect them.."I mumble as Garroth Comes toward me woth his sword. I hear Lucinda calling for help. I hit Garroth but he slices me with his sword. Garroth starts hitting me and as Soon as I get the Chance. I hit him in the face. He comes back and I kick him back."Garroth please stop this!" I yell.

He picks me up ans throws me out the Window. I can hear Nana and Zia. I fall to the floor."COME ON!! FIGHT ME!" I yell. He Comes down And I can hear explosions from Lucinda and Katelyn. "Garroth...Please..I know your Still in their..please fight back." I say as he starts swinging."Garroth please remember!" I yell as he Slices my Chest. "Im Zane! You brother!" I yell."Someone is controling you! You arent doing this yourself! Please dont let them win!." I yell right before her Stabs me straight in the arm."It's..Over.."He Says as He grabs the sword and Pulls it out.

"I love you...Big brother.."I say. I look at him and It seems it Worked.."B-Baby brother..?"Garroth asks."GARROTH!!" I yelp as I hug him."Z-Zane..? I-Im..So Sorry.."He apologizes."Heh it's okay. It's not your fault.."I smile amd then A loud bang comes from above."Oh No.."I start. "LUCINDA!"I yell. I see the smoke outside."LUCONDA TALK TO HER!!" I Yell. "Right now isint the Time!" She yells back.


"In order to break the spell you have to make them feel a strong emotion! Like love!!"Zane yells."You bette be right!" I yell as katelyn comes Rushing at me. "Katelyn please! You dont want ti do this!"I yell."You dont know what I want"  she yells as I starts dodging her Punches."The Katelyn I know wpuldnt want to hurt her friends!"I yell."And since havr you ever known anythinf about me!? You have always picked on me when we were little!"She yells

"No Katelyn that's not what I wanted at A-AH!"I yelp as She punches me to the ground.I slowly get up."Katelyn I saw you as a Great Rival..A great friend.."I say."What I would love to give to smack that Smug look off your Face.."She growls..I open my arms Up."Go ahead? Your one of my great friends katelyn.. You always will be.."I saw as she come running up to me.."I love you sugar pea.."I say. Before she hits me she comes to her senses..."W-What H-Have I done..?"She asks as she falls to the ground and Starts crying...

She hugs my Waist and I go and hug her back.."It's going to he okay.."I smile "ive done horrible things.."She says. "I just wanna see my dad.."She cries."we'll get him to you..It's going to be alright.. "I say.


Ari Got her Human form back but she's filled with black Spots..I remember everything they said..every bad thing.. That's when A Memory pop into my head..."Mommy...I dont want to go to bed.."i say.."You dont have to go to hed if you dont have to.."Mom says.."But it's dark outside..Everybody's Still afraid of me.."I say.."Sweety..they just dont Understand.."She walks toward me..and she looks at the book."This book isint about you..Ur not a heartless monster." She says."Your my son..a caring and a smart toung man who doesnt deserve the fate you were bestowed.."She says.

"Why am I alone..?"I ask. She puts the book down."Im so sorry I wasnt their.."She says."Why am I alone?"I ask again.."Your father and I tried so hard to make sure you were safe but forgot so many things like what you really needed.."She says."Im sorry.. Im so sorry..That in this moment were not their to comfort you..And that we cant or have never been their. But you have more than what we have..."She says."Their wating for You and right now they need you...that demon is trying to take all of them away. Your fate isint decided yet it doesnt matter what anyone else says."She says.

"I want to save them but I dont know where I am.."I say..."You'll figure it out.. I love you so much aaron..She's Still their and She's Waiting..I love you so much.."She says and Im back in the same place."Dad are you okay? You spaced out for a second."Ari says. I get back into my human form."Were not done yet.."I get up. And we Start walking.


Kim calls my name and I start walking until I hear Aaron and Ariana. I run back to my Normal spot and I yell their names."Is Aaron and Ariana down their?" Ghost asks."I heard them!" I yell
"Please..Im right here..Stay with me please Im here!"I yelp.."Aphmau use this! It's called the relm breaker!" She says. She tells me how to use it and ai consentrate hard.

Soon a Door to another world opens. I see Both of them. Ari helps Aaron up. I come through and help both of them. We run through just before the portal closes.I put aaron down and Ari Sits beside me...

Our family's back..

Yea yea I know that their's more but im really Busy! Hope you all understand! Ba bai!


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2019 ⏰

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