part 28

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1 month later

In this one month many things change between MaNan ..they both started talking to each other normally.. But manik didn't stop doing his childish act he now n the other always do something to keep nandu close to him
Every morning he always throw tantrums more than MaViAr to wake up...then to get ready he always call nandu from small small things
Nandini always get irritated but in her heart she always love these...she love to carry his every tantrum
MaViAr started going to play school
Every morning Aryan used to get ready easily as he loved to going school.. But the other two little monsters are always ready with new new excuse like " mumma tummy mein pal ( pain ) ho raha hai " or they start buttering Nandu " mumma aap ke saath rehna hai "

Every morning she has to took a lots of effort to make the Big n Small Malhotra  ready for their office n school .

But life can't be like bed of roses....someone was their who had his evil eyes on MaNan little world... N the person was armaan as after knowing everything about Manik armaan always make new plan to separate Manan..he always make some or other excuse to go to malhotra mansion n to be with Nandu .

Back to story

Manik was in his cabin but was tensed as he observe armaan n his behavior towards nandini.. First he thought that he was over thinking n decided to chuck his thoughts n second he trust Nandu more than anything he knows that for nandini...manik n kids are everything

But last incident was not leaving his mind...n now was sure that armaan is definitely up to something

Flash back

Actually today was Sunday so kids requested Manik  to take them to Mall..n manik accepted happily as it was long he too want to be with kids n nandu... They decided to go after lunch but at the last moment Manik got a call from office.. that there is an urgent meeting n he had to attend it
Manik talk to nandini n she was OK with it

Now all were having their lunch
Manik - sorry babies I have to go to office but promise next time we'll go for a whole day picnic

Manvik - pesh ( please) dadda we aont ( want ) to go

Vivaan - ha dadda pesh ( please )

They both said in a pleading tone n manik signed in helpless... As the meeting was very important n he can't postponed it...he ask Nandu through his eyes to help him
Nandini nodded in yes...she was about to say something when a voice came
" hey everyone " all look at the direction n found armaan standing over there...manik didn't like he came " kuch kaam hi nahi hai issey jab dekho tab aa jata hai " he said in mind

Nandini smile n ask him to sit n join them for lunch

Armaan - arey of course ...u know na I can never say no to your food " he said n manik role his eyes

Nandini know about armaan behavior is a bit funny... So thought he just said playfully . Armaan noticed that kids were sitting there with a grumpy face " Nandu what happened to them " he said pointing towards kids . Manik clenched his fist as armaan called her "nandu"

Manvik - dadda tod ( told) that he ve( will) eek ( take) us to mall

Aryan - but now he oun't ( won't ) as he aa( had) to go to offis ( office)

Armaan - then what's the problem in it...Nandu we'll take kids to mall " he said n now manik just want to punch armaan but was quiet as kids were also there

Nandu looking at Manik n understand what's going in his mind she turned to kids n said " babies aap sab ne jab dadda se kaha to take u to mall he said yes na..n whenever u asked dadda for anything.... dadda never says no to u all....aur aaj dadda KO really important kaam hai warna he would have cancel it as he don't want to make u all sad....n you r my big babies u won't understand .by seeing u like this daada will also became sad"
She said n try to make them understand

Kids got up from their place n went to manik they held their ears n said together " sorry dadda." Manik took them in hug n said " its OK my babies don't say sorry... " they broke hug "so now daada has to go but I promise that daada will come early n we all go to eat ice cream " he said n kids smile brightly

MaViAr - thank you we) lub u "

Manik - luv u more my jaans " he said n again took them in hug. Nandini was looking at them lovingly... Manik mumbled a thank u to her

By looking all this armaan was fuming in anger

Flashback end

Manik POV - why I'm getting negative vibes from armaan that he definitely up to something....Armaan it won't be good for u to play games with me..u don't know what Manik Malhotra can do if u tried to mess with me....n I won't let u to harm Nandini n my relation ....never "

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