2. It's Raining Men

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2: It’s Raining Men

Everyday was the same, the pitiful glances, the awkward lunches where I didn’t speak even though my friends tried to include me in the conversations, going home doing my homework, so I could finally be with Jake in my dreams. As I walked into school, everyone was whispering but for once it wasn’t about me I looked around inquisitively, all the while wondering what’s going on. But I decided to leave it alone, as The Beatles put it Let it be. So I did, I practically wrote the book on ask me no questions and I’ll tell you no lies. That was my motto. I sat down in honors English 11 and patiently waited for everyone to come in.

I put my foot up on my desk and leaned back, enjoying the peace and quite until it was interrupted. “Like omg Lici did you see them they were like the hottest boys to like walk this Earth. They are like so sexy, and one of them like totally winked at me. Ah hahahahaha.” “I know right.” the other girl responded. “They were just so hot like I could like so feel it, they made me want to take off my clothes.” I tuned out then females these days no class, dignity, and apparently no proper speaking skills. I put on my earphones and listened to Ed Sheeran’s Drunk it was one of the few things that made me smile.

When the clock hit 8:15 I pulled out my earphones and took my feet off the desk right as the teacher walked in. “Class we have three new students Lucian, James, and Gabriel. Gentleman, please take your seats anywhere.” Mrs. Luck said. I observed all of them the way they all moved around was almost predatorily, but Lucian was most obviously their leader his dark brown hair cam right above his eyes and ended at the nape of his neck. He was very fit it was obvious to everyone that he worked out, and was the bad boy type. He had that look his dark leather jacket his tight fitted t-shirt clung to his long torso, dark blue levis, and a pair of black and grey Nikes. He was pretty put together but if you looked at his face close enough you could see the small row of freckles scattered along both cheekbones and his nose. His bright blue eyes, were hypnotic it was like his eyes alone were a weapon all of their own. His friend James was cocky, anyone could tell that from a mile with that cocky smirk his blond hair was cropped low but not low enough to be an army cut. He also had blue eyes and was very attractive. The other one Gabriel was very reserved he was the quiet one, he was an observer like myself. But also very attractive he was most likely the smart one, the one who plans everything out.

I resumed listening to the teacher, when suddenly someone slid into the chair next to mine. Rage filled my very soul at this person who dared sit in Jake’s seat, I turned to glare at the one and only Lucian. This boy was trouble, I could tell. “Do you mind if I sit here beautiful?” His voice cheerful and mocking. “Yes, I do mind so if you could please move.” I said my voice cold and moderate. He smirked then challenging me daring me with his eyes to do something about it my eyes darted around the room looking for another seat to sit at but they were all full. I slumped back in my seat and sighed in defeat. Maybe it was coincidental that he sat next to me, so I’ll play nice I thought.

Listening to the teacher discuss Wuthering Heights I couldn’t help but disagree with her. I raised my hand and Mrs. Luck looked at me and rose a perfectly plucked eyebrow at me. “yes, Rayne.” Her voice sounded playful as if she was amused by my interruption. “Although Heathcliff, and Catherine were both terribly selfish and cruel people, with nothing but terrible qualities. I think what the author was trying to point out was their love was their only redeeming quality. In that sense, that’s why it is compared with some of the greatest romances of all times because even though their both unbearably awful people in the end it was their love that gave them the sliver of a chance to better themselves. Such as in Pride in Prejudice Mr. Darcy was terribly arrogant, cocky, and everything that Elizabeth hated in a man in the end it was their love that made them better themselves for each other. “I completely agree which was why I kept saying complete utter nonsense for someone to say that, hello people.” Mrs. Luck said torturing my classmates’ with her lecture that I got to ignore because I said some thing.

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