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i can't wait to see the denouement for this.


NOBODY HAD EXPECTED for Joy Mercer to disappear suddenly, only two weeks into the new term, but she did. Nobody had expected for an American girl to appear suddenly, two weeks after everyone else had arrived, but she did. Nobody had expected for the house that they had been living in to be hiding a major part of history, but it did. Everything was unexpected in the Anubis House, and the things that were expected – well, they took a long time to happen.

Jerome Clarke – the prankster in the Anubis House who always had a trick up his sleeve, sometimes physically. After around ten years of being in boarding schools, the man has a rather good mask to show less emotion, with everyone thinking that he was an uncaring and manipulative person who doesn't care about anything unless it benefits him, either financially or humoral, but there was one person who knew the real Jerome – the real Jerome who was hidden behind the mask.

Sydney Anderson – the jokester in the Anubis House who could always bring joy in the dullest moment, whether it was her smile, her humour, or helping the boys in their deviousness. Unlike her best friend, Sydney had not changed at all from her youth and did not hide herself behind a mask, remaining the same ray of sunshine that everyone seemed to like. That was, until, her life took a turn for the worst and she had to hide her grief behind the mask that was her old personality.

So, what happened when both of them had to save the other from losing themselves completely, whilst also discovering the secrets that Anubis House has to offer?

DISCLAIMER ALERT: I do not own any of the plot or the characters from the television show, 'House of Anubis'. They belong to Nickelodeon. Although, I do own my own writing and my own characters.




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