
54 3 9

Last Name: Chiisaki

Middle Name: Koto

First Name: Juuniko

Nickname(s): Juu', 'Ko, 'Ki

Nationality: Japanese

Age: 16

Sexuality: Gay


Height: 7"11

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Height: 7"11

Birthday: June 1st

Ultimate: Deaf Musician

Kill or be killed: Be Killed

Killing method: Poisoning

Likes: People who know sign language, his little sister, his friends, and tea.

Dislikes: Homophobic people, the dark, water that reaches higher than his height does.

Fears: The dark

Strengths: His height

Overall personality: Innocent child who knows nothing of death and destruction (kinda)

Habits: Scratching the back of his head, fidgeting with his sleeves.

Allergies: Hay fever

Other: (SpoopyInvestigator- )

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