Under the mistletoe

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*warning!!!! SUPER FLUFF ZONE*

"Merry Christmas everybody! " Finland said to his guests. He was throwing a Christmas party, and he invited every country he could. Finland smiled at all of his guests and then went to go put his very festive Santa suit on, but when he walked in his room...

"Oh! Hello Finland! Is this your Santa suit? Its so cool! Where did you get it by the way?" Boreas[1] said, looking at Finland, smiling and putting down the Santa suit. Finland was speechless for a few seconds.

" Why are you in my room? I-I mean.......shouldn't you be enjoying my party?or.......Hanging out around Britain like you always do?" Finland said with a slight blush, remembering how Boreas was always following Britain closely and acting like his shadow.

"Britain started to get boring after a while.....all he does is make scones......which don't get me wrong,I love, but it gets old after a while, ya know?" Boreas said,and timidly rubbed her arm. She then smiled her signature crazy-girl smile and walked past Finland out of his room. Finland smiled at her...wondering why she had been in his room....and why she was interested in his suit. She really didn't know who Santa even was at all, because she celebrated Christmas differently. Her version of Santa was someone named The Great Kaguya, so.....why did she care about his Santa suit? He shrugged and walked in his room to get changed. When he came out, he noticed Boreas had left the hallway, and she wasn't near Britain either.Finland went over to the Brit, wondering where Boreas had gone.....he really hoped she didn't get bored and leave.......

"Um excuse me, Britain?" Finland said, tapping Britain on the shoulder. Britain turned around.

"Yes?" The large-browed Brit said. Finland didn't know why he chose to ask Britain if he knew where Boreas was when could've asked Her sister, Rem Saccheras.

"Have you seen Boreas?" Finland asked, rubbing the back of his head. Britain seemed to be thinking.

"Oh, yes I have actually. She told me she was going to go to the balcony to pray to 'The Great Kaguya' and to continue her worship of 'The Great Kaguya' before midnight when it would apparently be too late." Britain said. Finland smiled.

"Thanks Mr.Britain!" Finland said as he walked to the balcony to ask Boreas How she knew about Santa Claus. When he got to the balcony, he saw Boreas sitting in the middle of a circle of dim candles, praying. He didn't want to interrupt her prayer, so he waited until she finished. When she was done, Finland sat beside her, blowing a few of the candles out. Boreas then noticed the fin. She looked at him with her pale blue orbs.

"Oh. Hello finny! Why are you out here with me during the sacred hour instead of enjoying your party and celebrating drunk Santa?" She chuckled at the last sentence,then,"Or is Santa not drunk yet-" she then smirked as the snowflake-shaped glints of light in her eyes seemed to twirl around and intensify a bit.

"I just came out here to ask you how you knew about Santa.." Finland asked, thinking it was a stupid question to ask. The Borean Chuckled.

"Because, my sister celebrates Christmas." She said, then stared at the stars, then at the Fin.Finland blushed and looked right into her pale blue eyes.

"Why did you come to my Christmas party if you don't celebrate Christmas at all?" Finland asked, searching the pale blue landscape of The Borean's home country that seemed to be in the shading of her eyes. A blush skittered acrossed Boreas's face before she turned away to get up. Finland chuckled and followed her to the doorway of the balcony.

"I came so I could learn more about the holiday of Christmas......because I only know a few things about it like----" Boreas trailed off and looked up. Finland looked at her in confusion.

"Like what, Boreas?" Finland said, confused about why She had trailed off.

"like the rule about mistletoe ......" Boreas said, still looking up. Finland looked up, only to find why Boreas had stopped mid-sentence......... There, above the doorway, was mistletoe. Finland didn't even remember putting it there.He realized immediately what that meant.

He had to kiss Boreas.

Finland looked at Boreas. She then looked at him, her usually pale face pink with a blush.

"This means we have to..........Kiss........huh?" She said nervously, as if she wasn't sure she was right.

Finland blushed and smiled nervously, because the truth was, he'd never really kissed anyone.

"Y-yea....It does..." Finland said, blushing. Boreas then leaned in closer to Finland, her face just hovering over Finland's, as she was just a few inches taller than him,as she smirked a bit.

"Well then....we cant let this slip just because I don't celebrate Christmas,can we?" She said in the kindest tone she could possibly have when all she wanted was the Fin's lips upon her own cold ones. She then leaned closer and kissed the Fin.Finland blushed and stood still with shock for a second, until he then returned the kiss, massaging her soft, cold lips with his own, until Boreas had to pull away for air due to her smaller lungs. She then, after a short breath, leaned back in and started kissing Finland again.

"Ho ho ho" she whispered onto his lips, her cool breath sending a few shivers down the Fin's spine before he kissed the Borean with more force. They continued this heated make-out session, which was no longer necessary, until--

"Woot!!!!!Get Some Finny!!!!!" America Cheered, drawing attention to the two. Finland and Boreas pulled away and stared at America with red faces at having been caught. Boreas then looked at Finland.

"I'll take care of this..." she said before pulling out of Finland's arms and chasing after the laughing american and yelling in Boreanic about ruining it. Finland laughed and joined the chase.

After they caught the american and Boreas froze his hands as punishment, Boreas and Finland ended up making out again......this time no mistletoe was involved.

As Boreas pulled away for a well-needed breath of air, she whispered something to Finland in Boreanic.

"Ach sena Ach taūr Maunjii,Finland." She whispered in her native tongue. Finland.Finland looked at her, confused, as he didn't understand Boreanic.

"What?" He said,cocking his head. Boreas chuckled and smiled warmly.

"I said; I think I love you, Finland." She said with a chuckle at how stupid she had been to speak Boreanic to a Fin. Finland smiled and gave Boreas a peck on the lips.

"Minäkin rakastan sinua Boreas,Minulla on aina" Finland chuckled in Finnish, making it Boreas's turn to cock her head.

"What does that mean?" She said in confusion.

" It means; I love you Boreas, I always have.........s-since I met you anyway...." Finland said. The two smiled and locked their lips together again, startling the unnoticed Canadian next to them.



By the way: [1]: Rem Boreas


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