Chubby Bunny brought us together???? Prussia x Reader (Pt 1/2?)

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Warning! This story has a long-ish flashback.

You walked down the candy isle at your local Wal-Mart.

You looked at your grocery list to see what you had to get next

"Let's see.......what's next........Oh! (insert favorite candy here)!" You said to yourself under your breath. But as you bent down to get (F/C) you spotted a bag of a certain white puffy snack sitting with the bags of (F/C). You picked up the bag and smiled at it.

'Marshmallows' you thought. You stood there remembering all the good times that these snacks brought to a bonfire.

---flashback brought to you by gilbird-------

"Hey!!!! (Y/N)!!!!! Look what the awsome me brought!!!!!" Your ruby-eyed friend,Gilbert, said, smiling and holding a bag of jumbo marshmallows.

You smiled and tackled him.

"MARSHMALLOWS!!!!!!"you yelled, grabbing the marshmallows from the struggling Prussian under you.

"Hey!! (Y/N)!!! Give those back!!!!!" Gilbert half yelled-half laughed, chasing you.

"That, is enough of that." A deep voice said, before you bumped into someone and landed on your butt. You looked up, and saw it was your dad. He then grabbed the marshmallows from your hands.

"If you want these for smores, then you need to calm down, and come to the bonfire to roast them." Your father said. Just then Gilbert walked behind you.

" yea (Y/N)! KESESESE!" Gilbert laughed.

" That goes for you too Gilbert." Your father said. This made it your turn to laugh. Your dad then walked over to the bonfire. You and Gilbert then followed him, along with Gilbert's younger brother, Ludwig.

You walked up to your dad as he gave you, Gilbert, and Ludwig a stick and a marshmallow to roast. You and Gilbert walked up to the fire and roasted the marshmallows.

Then, you pulled your marshmallow out of the flames, only to find that your marshmallow was on fire!!! You then noticed Gilbert and Ludwig looking at it. You then looked at Gilbert and smirked. He looked at you with a twinge of fear and confusion.

"(Y-Y/N)? Why are you looking at me like that??? " Gilbert asked.

You smiled darkly.

" better start running...... CAUSE HERE COMES THE AWSOME (Y/N)!!!!!!!!!!!" You yelled, chasing after Gilbert with the flaming marshmallow. Ludwig laughed and joined the chase .

"(Y/N)!!!!!THAT'S MY LINE!!!!!!!" Gilbert yelled.

-------end of flashback---------

You laughed at the memory and then....... you remembered one of the challanges Alfred taught you..... The Chubby Bunny challenge..... but.....who to do it with.......

Arthur? No...... you couldn't see him shoving marshmallows in his mouth...

How about Feli? No.......he probably was busy getting yelled at by Ludwig......and Ludwig..... he was probably busy yelling at Feli....and Charlotte[1].....she was most likely following Ludwig or Shooting at Alfred....

And there was no way Rodrich or Elizaveta would do it......

You didn't even wanna bother With Anna[2] or Elsa [3].

So......Yes! Gilbert!!! Why didn't you think of your best friend in the first place?! You smiled and threw the Marshmallows in the cart and finished your shopping.

----time skip------

"Hey Gilbert!!!!!!!!" You screamed, slamming the door open and running to your Best friend with the marshmallows in hand.

"GILBERT GILBERT GILBERT!!!!!!" You yelled in his ear

"What is it (Y/N)?!?!" Gilbert yelled

"Do the Cubby Bunny Challange with me!!!!!" You said shoving the marshmallows in his face.

Gilbert looked at the bag of marshmallows and grabbed it.

"Fine.... but how do you do it?" Gilbert asked.

"Well, Basically you have to shove marshmallows in your mouth until you can't say 'Chubby Bunny' anymore. Okay?" You explained.

"Okay (Y/N)." Gilbert said.

You smiled and opened the bag of marshmallows, and shoved a marshmallow in your mouth.

"Cubby bunny" you said and giggled. Gilbert then grabbed a marshmallow and did the same.

"Chubby Bunny" he said. This kept going until you and Gil had about 9 marshmallows in your mouths.

"Chuvy bugy" you said before started choking.......

Gilbert's eyes widened in shock and alarm. He then spit out the marshmallows.

"( Y/N)?!?! Are you okay?!?!" He said, but you just kept coughing and holding your throat as you choked.

The Prussian then started slapping your back to help you cough up whatever you were choking on, but you just kept coughing.

He then grabbed you and preformed the heimlick manuver until you coughed out the slimy marshmallow that was stuck in your throat. You then bent over and breathed heavily, cherishing the well-needed air.

Gilbert then patted your back.

"Are jou okay mien schön (Y/N)? " he asked with concern.

"" You said , not really knowing what that ment and standing up straight. Your Prussian Friend then grabbed you, spun you to face him, and hugged you.

"Thank Gott!! I thought you were going to choke and die!!!!" He said in a shaky voice.You smiled and hugged him back.

"Well don't worry.....I'm not dieing for quite a while..." you said. Gilbert then pulled away and looked into your (E/C) orbs and let out a breath.

"I've been wanting to tell you this for a while......and I need to tell you now just in case if I actually do ever lose you........." this sentance then caught your attention,".......Ich Leibe Dich (Y/N)..............don't ever leave me for heaven...." he said. You giggled.

"I won't Gil....I promise....and Ich leibe dich you too...." you said and hugged him.

This was officially the best day ever for you......THANKS MARSHMALLOWS!!!


















Okay explanation time!!!!!!

F/C: favorite candy

E/C:Eye color

Y/N: Your name

[1]: Charlotte Hessen-Witherstone/Afghanistan, an OC of mine.

[2]: Anna Frarore/ Rem Saccheras, another OC of mine

[3]: Elsa Frarore/ Rem Boreas, Yet another OC of mine.

OC: own character

Ich Leibe Dich: I love you

mien schön: my beautiful

And should I make a second part to it????


And requests are always open, so please comment!!!


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2014 ⏰

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