Chapter Sixteen

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High by the Beach- Lana Del Rey

I'm a Mess- Bebe Rexha


It sounded like a power drill was operating next to my ear.

Pulling a nearby pillow over my ears, I groaned loudly at the pounding coming from inside my head. The sound was getting louder and louder with every passing second until it finally stopped. I slowly released my hold on the pillow and the sound returned – even louder than before.

"Make it stop! Please, make it stop!" I moaned, pressing the pillow strongly against my ears to dull the sound.

It kept repeating and repeating on an endless loop until I finally huffed and reached for my phone, not bothering to check the caller ID, "He- Hello?" My voice was groggy and I mentally swore at myself for sounding like I had smoked half a packet of cigarettes beforehand.

"Answer your goddamn phone, Aria!" Sasha demanded in a shrill voice. I grimaced at her tone of voice. It was worse than when the phone had vibrated.

"Shhh!" I pressed a finger to my mouth as if she could see me, "Can you please lower your voice? God, you sound like a screaming banshee."

"Are you hungover?"

"No." I lied as I rubbed my right temple.

"Liar! Okay, listen to me. The movie executives sent out an email, not too long ago, to the cast and crew with the final decision about equal pay."

My ears perked up at the mention of equal pay. Butterflies erupted in my stomach from nervousness and I bit my lip, so that it wouldn't quiver.

"Wh-what's the verdict?" I shakily asked. The grip on my phone tightened and I could feel my palms beginning to grow clammy from nerves. Whatever the answer was, it would be shocking. Half of me – the optimistic part – hoped that equal pay was on the horizon while the pessimist inside me was awaiting the worst.

"It was a unanimous decision. You're getting equal pay, Aria!" Sasha squealed. My hand flew to my mouth but my gasp was loud


"Really really! The studio's going to put out a statement announcing it in a few hours. The contracts are being amended and I've talked to your lawyers to start working on negotiations. Everything should be finalized by the end of the week, but it's really happening, Aria. You're finally getting equal pay!"

I didn't have to time to reply because the butterflies that had been swarming throughout my stomach began a journey up my throat and before I knew it, I was kneeling in front of the toilet clutching the sides as I emptied the contents of my stomach. I could hear Sasha calling my name in concern from my cell phone that I had left on my bed. As I threw up, I promised myself that I wouldn't drink again and that if I survived this I would avoid alcohol altogether.

It was an empty promise. I always promised myself that I would never find myself kneeling to a toilet but it was inevitable.

By the time I had brushed my teeth, washed my face and had gone back to my bedroom Sasha had hung up. She might have heard me throw up but that was nothing – she had seen it and had even held my hair back like a faithful friend. I had even done the same for her multiple times. She had no reason to judge.

I called her back.

"Are you good?" She answered on the second ring.

"Yeah, sorry. I had a few drinks too many last night."

More like a bottle too many.

"It sounded like it." She remarked and I groaned in embarrassment.

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