First Time

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Third Person P.O.V

This is Jack's second year and he recently got notified that he'd be getting a new roommate. The only thing was that they didn't tell him if he was an Alpha, Beta, or Omega. He waited a while and his roommate didn't show up so, he left them a note that read "Hey, I'm gonna go and once you get here you can unpack and stuff but make sure that you unpack in the room on the left of the hallway so have fun I guess" and went to go get breakfast.

Jack makes his way to the cafeteria and finds his friends, Tyler, Ethan, Nate, and Matt who just so happen to be mated. Tyler and Ethan are the cutest couples and Nate and Matt are just as adorable. Jack never really cared that he didn't have a mate. It never really mattered to him so he never thought about it. He and his friends started talking about random things and then Jack brought up that he was getting a new roommate and how they hadn't told him their sub-gender. Everyone was a bit worried because they knew that Jack was going to be going through his rut soon. Ethan had then mentioned that he saw a new person today and that he was heading in the direction of Jack's dorm. Once they finished their food they talked about an upcoming test in their history class.

---Time Skip---

Once the day was over Jack went back to his dorm. Before he could step in he was bombarded by a sweet, intoxicating smell, like that of a flower. He opened his door and saw nothing so he headed up to the hallway. When the opened the door to his left he saw a man with a suitcase unpacking. His breath was taken away as the tall half-Korean man looked back at him. The man spoke and his voice sent chills down the Irishman's spine. His voice so smooth and deep like music to the Irishman's ears. "Hi, I'm Mark." said the tall man. "Hi, I-I um I'm S-Seán but y-you can call me Jack."

They talked for a while and they soon realized that they needed to take a shower. "Hey, I've gotta go take a shower so" Mark trailed off. Mark made his way to the bathroom with his towel. He got in the shower and thought to himself "Wow he is so hot and his voice is so amazing". In hopes that the shower would block out the sounds of him moaning, he started to finger himself, slick already running down his thighs he spread his cheeks and put one finger in already fucking himself due to his heat. Mark was a moaning mess, his body hot and not being able to stop, until he heard a knock at the bathroom door. Jack had heard him from the living room and couldn't help it. His rut was kicking in and Mark's heat was already there. Mark had kept quiet for a few seconds before Jack had given him another concerning knock. Mark replied with a muffled "y-yeah?" Trying his best to sound as normal as possible. "U-um are you okay in there?" Jack replied, holding himself back. "Oh, um, yeah I'm fi-FUCK!" Mark had hit his prostate. This had thrown Jack over the edge and jump-started his rut. He pretended not to hear his loud ass moan and replied with a(n) "okay..." Mark had finally finished and soon after realized what happened and felt incredibly embarrassed. As soon as he opened the door Jack grabbed his wrist and pushed him against the wall creating a loud thud sound. Mark couldn't help but moan, but before his heat could consume his whole being he said "Seán w-w-what are you doing-" "I heard you. And now, we're both fucked. " before Mark could reply he was interrupted by a heated kiss followed by a trail of them down his neck along with Jack rubbing his hard throbbing member between his bare ass cheeks. Mark was done for. He could no longer control himself. With his heat controlling him, he cried out "Fuck me Seán! Please" "whatever you say." To this Jack pushed on the bed taking off his clothes in a rush as to not waste any more time. "P-please Jack I need you inside me n-now" Mark cried. "So needy~," Jack said playfully. Soon that playful attitude turned into a bloodthirsty lust. Jack and aligning his length with Mark's entrance. "Holy FUCK!" Mark moaned out, desperate for the alpha's length. Jack entered Mark roughly and continued with his inhuman speed. "Bite," Jack said as he tilted his head exposing his neck. Mark did as the alpha said and bit him till blood had drawn from the bite mark. Jack, In return bit Marks neck and licked the fresh blood from the bite. After a while of them moaning and grunting, Mark was getting close. Mark was getting tighter and Jack noticed so he flipped them over so that Mark was riding him. With a few more thrusts, Mark came all over himself and his new mate Jack following. Marks eyes rolled back at the feeling of being filled with the hot liquid from Jack. Mark slowly got off of Jack and looked at him with a worried face. "I'm so sorry. I-I didn't mean to I just-I" he was cut off by a kiss as soft and loving as his heart. "Don't worry, it's fine, I don't have a problem with it. To be frank I think you're fucking hot. " Jack said while rubbing Mark's back causing him to blush with a soft giggle. A great way to cap off that night.

Hey guys, it's the author and i just wanted to give a special thanks to my best friend who helped me edit this. She is amazing and even though she doesn't like praise, I just had to thank her. She's one of the most amazing people in the world and I really love her (in the most platonic way ever).

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