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This one, sadly, is not an Omegaverse as much as I love them.


Mark wakes up to the smell of pancakes and eggs, causing him to drool. He then looks down to see that someone was awake long before he was.

He gets up, grabs his towel, and heads for the bathroom. Mark steps into the shower and turns on the hot water. "Mmph" "Ha~" "Nnn~" "Mmh". Mark couldn't control himself as his speed increased. With a couple more strokes, he came all over the glass door of the shower.

Mark quickly gets dressed and runs downstairs to meet Seán at the table with breakfast already set out. "Hey, thanks for the food," Mark said softly. "No prob Bob," Seán said playfully causing Mark to stifle a little chuckle. Mark takes a bite from one of the many pancakes in front of him. "This is really good!" Mark says in shock. From past events, Mark was expecting average tasting pancakes, but these were surprisingly excellent. "I know," Seán says jokingly.

After a while of talking, they finished their breakfast and Mark headed toward the recording room to shoot some videos while Seán went to sleep. After Mark got everything set up, he heard a knock on the door. "Come in," Mark said while setting up his camera. Mark jumped back once he saw who it was. "A-Anti?" "W-Why are you crying?". Mark got up and hugged him trying his hardest to comfort him. He noticed the shock collar around Anti's neck. "Hey, why is tha-" he was cut off by Anti humping him like a dog. "Ha~" "Mmh~" "Ah~". Mark was taken aback by Anti's actions and was nearly forced to sit in his recording chair. "H-Hey, A-Anti, why not just do this with D-Dark," Mark said, trying to hide the fact that he liked it. "Mmh~. Da-Mm-rk won't-Nn l-let me," Anti said between moans. By now Mark was already sitting in his chair, trying to resist the urge to thrust into Anti. "M-Mark, sh-shock collar p-please," Anti said while passing Mark the remote to the collar. "O-Okay. What s-setting?" "T-Mmph-Ten," Anti stated while grinding up against Mark's twitching shaft. Mark hesitantly turned the voltage setting to ten then shocked Anti. "Ah~. F-Feels so good," Anti said looking up at Mark, drool sliding down the side of his mouth, "M-More Mark m-more please." Mark followed Anti's orders and shocked him once more. "AH~," Anti moaned while coming down from his high. Anti wasn't done though, he slid off of Mark's legs, pulled down Mark's boxers (We all know Mark doesn't wear pants), and started sucking his cock. Licking the tip"Mmph", then down the sides"Ha~", and finally taking it all into his mouth "Fuck~".

Anti continued sucking vigorously, gagging because of how big Mark was, in hopes of getting Mark near his release. Mark noticed this and decided he'd say something about it "H-hey, Anti, t-there's no n-need to do that. Y-You can calm d-down." Anti stopped sucking and let go with a pop, he looked up at Mark with adoring eyes "Really? Dark never lets me do that," he said causing Mark to blush even more. Anti went back to sucking and licking, this time slowly and compassionately, nearing Mark to his liberation. "Nnn" "A-Anti~" "S-So close". Mark couldn't stop himself and with one thrust he came in Anti's mouth. "Mmm~ You taste so good," Anti said with a lecherous tone. Just hearing those words was enough to make Mark hard again. "Y-You can use me to take care of that if you'd like," Anti said quite nervously. "What do you mean 'use' you," Mark said in confusion. "You can fuck me like how Dark does when he needs me," Anti said while he looked down, almost crying remembering how Dark tortures him. "Anti I'd never do that to you, not unless you want me to," "P-Please Mark".

Mark picked Anti up and carried him to his master bedroom. He lied Anti down softly as if he were as fragile as a feather. Anti was shocked by how gentle Mark was being, he's never felt so loved, so cared for. This shock reminded him about the collar he had on."Hey, Mark do I have take this off," he said pointing to the collar. "Doesn't it bring you pleasure?" Mark questioned making Anti blush a little. "Mmhm" Anti hummed shamefully, looking down at the silk sheets under him. "Then leave it one kitten. I'll make you feel so good that you'd never wanna take it off," the half-Korean male said, causing Anti to blush a deep cardinal shade.

Mark slid off Anti's pants to reveal the tent in his boxers. "Well someone is a bit excited." Mark got the remote from out of his back pocket and shocked Anti. "Mmm~." Mark shocked him again and again, gaining more moans from him. Mark then took the initiative and started palming Anti. "Mmph~" "Hnn~" "Daddy~". After Anti said that last part, he covered his mouth, embarrassed at the fact that he said that. "It's okay, you can call me that all you want," Mark said with a carnal tone. Mark, in fact, loved it when his admirers called him "Daddy", you could say he has a slight Daddy Kink.

Mark continued palming Anti but then noticed that he himself had a tent in his pants. Mark slowly climbed over Anti noticing how small the male was. He slid off Anti's boxers and took his boxers off as well. Mark grabbed some lube from the nightstand beside him. He lubed up Anti's opening and poked a finger in "Mmm," and another "Hmm," and then he put in the third one "Fuck~." Anti started moving his hips, letting Mark know that he was ready for Mark to move. Mark slowly pushed his fingers in and out causing Anti to become a moaning mess. Mark grabbed Anti's shaft and started pumping him. Anti, the already moaning mess, started thrusting into Mark's hand subconsciously. Mark started pumping faster and faster until Anti came all himself and Mark. Mark licked the cum off of one of Anti's nipples, causing him to moan.

Mark decided to take care of his own "problem" and positioned himself at Anti's entrance and rammed into him, instantly hitting Anti's prostate. "FUCK~" Anti screamed in pleasure. "Hey, you've gotta be a bit quieter, Seán is still sleeping" Mark whispered into his ear. Mark started thrusting into him with an animalistic speed. "AH~" "D-DADDY~" "S-SO CLOSE" "F-FUCK~". And with one last thrust, they both came.

Hey, guys, it's Author-chan and I literally wrote this at the dinner table. Don't ask me why I have dinner so late just know that it was a bit risky writing this one and I hope you like it. If you don't then feel free to tell me why and I'll try to fix it, even if it's a bullshit reason just let me know I'd like to laugh.

Words: 1020

"Daddy" (Septiplier- NatePat- Tythan- etc.  A/B/O) (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now