King Of The Clouds

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Yes it's just like the P!ATD song.

Nate is an alpha and Matthew is an omega


Nate is walking down the street heading to the store and he smells an intoxicating scent. He turns the corner and sees a small male. Nate steps closer and sees that the man is bruised all over. The man turns around and jumps back "P-please d-don't hurt m-me" the man said in a terrified voice."I'd never hurt you" Nate said lovingly.


Long story short, they get to know each other become mate and mate and in the current time Nate is in rut and you know the drill. Or do you???


Nate is in the shower and the itch suddenly arises for him to dominate his mate. He rushes out of the shower and into the bedroom just to see his mate in a maid outfit (a very sexy one may I add) and rope around the bed posts. Matt had already smelled his mates scent and had gotten ready. Before he knew it he was hard and ready to fuck his mate into the mattress. "Daddy~" Matt said in a seductive voice "Come here and lay down!" he said in a commanding tone. Nate followed his mates orders and made his way to the bed. Once he was tied up, Matt started to tease Nate. His hand trailing up and down Nate's chest occasionally passing his nips. With this action alone, Matt earned a moan. "Sit one me already Matt" the alpha said nearly ripping the ropes. Having heard the desperation in his voice, Matt slowly sat on his mates shaft. Which by the way was very big. Now completely seated, the omega started moving as a stream of slick gushed out of him. Nate, not being able to hold back, thrust-ed into Matt making him groan in pleasure. "Daddy~" the omega said "I'm in control today, remember" "Sorry baby, I couldn't help it". Matt increases in speed making him and his mate turn into moaning messes. Nate thrust-ed into Matt finding his prostate making him scream in pleasure. Matt's ass started to tighten around Nate's cock, signaling that Matt was close. With this new information, Nate decided to start thrusting into his mate. The omega not being able to hold himself up properly, let his mate take over. Nate taking note of this ripped of the ropes and grabbed the omega by the hips and pulled him into his thrusts. With the last thrust they came in unison both moaning. "Daddy~." Matt said in between pants. "I love you too Kitten". They couldn't move because they were knotted, until Nate's dick started twitching. Matt moaned as his mates cum filled his hole once more. The omega felt like he was on cloud nine. "Daddy I don't wanna move" Matt said in a tired tone. "If you don't wanna then we don't have to."


Hey guys, Author-chan here and I just wanted to say that this chapter in particular was a bit hard to make because I was at the dining room table while my family was eating with me so casually had to close my laptop a couple of times but it was worth it.

The art Isn't mine but I wanted to use it because it's really cute.

Words: 479 (I know my OCD is killing me too) and this is excluding all of the extra stuff.

"Daddy" (Septiplier- NatePat- Tythan- etc.  A/B/O) (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now