I Didn't Know He Liked These Things

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They've been mated for two months, known each other for three, and Mark has a little surprise for Seán.


Mark woke up to see that his little omega was cuddling him up. He got up to go get his towel and robe from the closet. He was looking through the closet for a while.

"Hm I could have sworn I left it here," Mark said becoming a little confused
"Oowww," He whisper/yelled. 

Mark turned back to see if Seán had woken up. Nope, still sound asleep. 

"He's so adorable," Mark thought to himself.
"What was it that hit me?" Mark questioned.

Mark looked down to see a box with an arrangement of all sorts of kinky items. Handcuffs, vibrators(the ones that have the string to pull them out), a ruby flogger, a wooden paddle, pomegranate flavored lube, and a cardinal red 8-inch dildo. Mark started to blush a bright vermilion shade. "I-Is this Seán's? I didn't know he was into things like this" Mark thought. 

He decided that he was gonna give his omega a great time at breakfast today. Mark got ready for the day. His outfit was quite simple, a navy polo, a pair of navy dress pants, and some brown double monk strap shoes (look it up it's a nice outfit it should be the first picture you see). Mark walked over to the bed and sat down on the side. "Seán, baby, I need you to wake up," Mark said in the most loving tone imaginable. "Just five more minutes," Seán said half awake.

Mark carried Seán to the bathroom bridal style. He gave him a small kiss on the forehead. "I love you so much Seán. You mean the world to me" Mark whispered sweetly. "I love you more then what you ever could imagine," Seán said lovingly. 

Mark sat Seán down on the toilet and set up the tub. Once the bath was set up Mark lifted his omega up and gently placed him in the tub. Mark got a luffa and lathered it with soap. He started to clean his mate slowly, allowing his omega to relax. "Mark, why are you so kind to me?" "Because you are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I love you like no tomorrow."

 After the alpha finished cleaning Seán, he picked out an outfit for him.  A white button-up shirt that was french tucked, some gray pants, white sneakers, and a Rolex that matches his bracelet. After all, he had to look good for today, they were going out to eat with their friends. Seán was completely awake and was sitting on the bed. He realized that his box wasn't up on the shelf of the closet. "Shit, did he find it? I hope not. Omg, what if he did?" As these thoughts ran through his head, Seán got more and more worried about the outcome of his mate finding the items. 

Mark was getting the clothes out of the closet when he looked back to see if his mate noticed the missing box.

"You look a bit worried Seán, are you ok?" Mark said playfully.
"Yeah I-I'm fine" Seán mumbled nervously.

Mark walked over to his mate holding a vibrator and lube in his hands. 

"You sure you're not even a little bit scared of what setting I'll put it on," Mark whispered into Seán's ear.
"W-What do you m-mean?" Seán said tensely while backing up a little.

Mark grabbed Seán's arm and flipped him over. He pulled off the towel that was around his omega's waist. 

"Oh, I think you know exactly what I mean Hon," Mark said maliciously.
"Wai- Ahh"

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