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i slightly open my eyes to check the time. once i do i attempt to get up but am held back by another force. i look over to my side and see hailee. we slept together? i quickly peak under the covers to make sure we were still dressed. we were. i was just missing a shirt. i do a double take at her and realize she stole it. the thief.

i take her arm off my chest slowly swapping my body with a pillow. i walk into the kitchen rubbing my eyes to get some orange juice.

"you guys are pretty cute."

sabrina says from the living room reading something. she spooks me enough to drop my glass on the floor. i watch it shatter with juice spilling everywhere.

"you left the pizza in the oven last night."


i mumble walking back into my room. hailee stirs around in my bed then flutters her eyes open.


i say grabbing a towel.

"morning. did we?"

she asks with a cute morning voice.

"nope. we slept."

i reply running some water on the towel. i walk back out to clean up the mess i created moments ago. i swept up the glass then wiped up the juice. hailee walks out moments later in only my shirt and underwear of course. she gives me and sabrina a hug for a quick moment before sighing.

"i guess i better go."

"nooo stay. please."

i pout. she gives me a soft smile running her hands through her hair.

"i gotta go. i have to go into the studio today."

i follow her into my bedroom and hand her her clothes.


she changes in my bathroom and walks out with a yawn.

"um here's your shirt back. sorry for stealing it."

she apologizes handing it to me.

"keep it. it looks better on you than it ever will on me."

i say handing it back. she smiles and gives me a kiss setting off some sparks. she pulls away and grabs her shoes and jacket.

"i'll drive you."

i state grabbing my keys.

"bye brina!"

i shout as we walk out the door. i shut it and lock it then head off to my car.

"where's this studio of yours?"

she gives me an address and i drive off. we listen to a bunch of songs on the radio and i realized she grabbed my hand. she's made me a lot happier than rowan ever has and i'm grateful for it.

i arrive at her studio and see a man out front.

"oh god."

she whispers looking down.


i whisper back pulling off a little bit.

"that's cameron."

"cameron smoller?! oh shit shit shitty shit shit. he's built! but he looks pissed and hurt."

"what did you say to him last night?"

"i may have possibly told him you don't love him anymore?"

"oh god."

she says putting her hands on her face.

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