Chapter 10: Infiltration and Intimidation

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Thank you thank you THANK YOU EVERYONE!!! I got from 311 reads to 351 in less than two days! Thanks so much! As promised, here's Chapter 10. ^_^

I'm going to wait for 500 reads before I upload Chapter 11. At the rate it's going I'll reach that in no time at all! Thanks everyone! :D Oh and please don't forget to vote if you like it! Every read and vote is greatly appreciated. ^_^

Oh and please check out my other story, "In My Sister's Eyes." It's primarily a Metroid fan fiction (for all you Nintendo players out there), but it's set in the Star Wars universe, so the Jedi and other Star Wars stuff come in a lot. Check it out!!! :D Please!!! It needs reads! ^_^ And I will love you for it!! <3

Enjoy the chapter! And please vote/comment!!!!! I'll dedicate the next chapter to the first person to comment on this story! I PROMISE!!!!!!!! <3 <3 <3

Kimmy (AKA DarthKemberli)



"She shows great promise, both in abilities and intelligence. She will serve the Empire well."

 - Darth Vader, Sith lord

"Don't worry. If anyone were following us, I'd sense them through the Force."

Caryoliss didn't look convinced. I had to smile at his unnecessary paranoia.

"If it makes you feel better, you can wait out here," I suggested.

"Okay," he said. He sat down to wait on the top step at the entrance to the public comm station. I gave him a final glance before turning to enter the crowded comm station. An angry Quarren squelched his slimy way past me, followed by a grumbling, sweaty Fondorian. A Toydarian whirred on puny wings just ahead of me. A trio of tall Wookies huddled around a corner, their brown fur matted and looking as if it hadn't been washed in weeks. The body odour of the conglomeration of different species was overpowering. I tried not to breathe as I walked up and down the aisles, looking for an empty booth. Just when I was giving up hope of making my call in this station, a Neimoidian exited a booth in the very corner of the building.

With a sigh of relief, I entered the booth and pulled the door shut behind me. I immediately grimaced. The Neimoidian had left behind a fetid stench that was made all the worse by the small space. I sighed and shook my head, still unaccustomed to alien species. I fed extra credits into the register and hit the privacy function button. The windows of the booth darkened until they were opaque around me. I closed my eyes for the briefest of moments. I gathered myself together, then stroked a secret code into the comm panel. The air over the plastoid table wavered and shimmered as a small holoimage of Darth Vader winked into existence.

"Master." I bowed my head. I wished I could kneel; even through a simple projection, Vader's Force presence made me tremble in inferiority.

"My apprentice. How goes your task?"

"It goes well, Master. Five days ago I and Commander Caryoliss insinuated ourselves into CURS itself. I have spent the past four days taking note of the structure of the main building, and I have the locations of the minor bases. In less than 48 hours I will have eliminated CURS in its entirety, Master."

There was a silence.

"You have much confidence." It was hard to tell, what with the vocoded quality of Vader's altered voice and the static interference that was affecting the connection, but I thought there was a faint trace of disapproval in Vader's words. I swallowed.

"Yes, Master." I was carefully honest in my answer. Better to be truthful than caught in a lie. "The dark side supplies me with reason to be confident."

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