Ty Blackthorne - Books

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     Y/N joined the members of the LA Institute after the dark war. Her parents had fought and had been murdered by the endarkened shadowhunters, and Y/N had been sent with her aunt, Diana Wrayburn, to Los Angeles.
     For weeks she was wracked with grief, barely able to drag herself to training. It was on one of her hardest days that she found the first book.  A Study in Scarlet, the first of Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes, left in the pocket of her training bag. Y/N had no idea who had left it, but something about it made her feel slightly better.
     That night when she found herself unable to sleep, she took out the book and began to read. She read all through the night and had finished the book by the next morning. She enjoyed it immensely, and was even more curious about who left it.
     Half way through training the next afternoon, she was regretting not sleeping. Her fighting was slow, and Livvy had floored her three times before Diana told Y/N to take a break.
     She walked back to where she left her bag and began rummaging through it to find her water bottle. That's when she noticed the first Sherlock Holmes book was gone replaced by the second. Whoever had left the first one must have swapped it out for the second.
     That night, she made herself stop reading in time to get some sleep. She set the book on the bedside table and fell asleep with a small smile on her face. Y/N had no idea who left the books for her, but she was grateful for them.
     She finished the book before training the next day and left it in her bag with a thank you note taped to the cover. Sure enough, after training she found the third book in the series in her bag.
     After the fourth day, Y/N's curiosity finally got the better of her. She walked up to Emma outside the training room the book clutched tightly in her hands.
     " Hey Emma, I have a kinda weird question," She put a hand up to stop her.
      " What kind of weird? I mean, I'm all for the sharing of information, but if this is you asking for boy advice-"
     Now it was Y/N's turn to interrupt.
" No, that's not what this is. At least I don't think so."
     She smiles, " Great, then shoot."
     "Well," Y/N begins, not sure how to phrase her question. " For four days, someone has been leaving books in my training bag. I have no idea who, and I was hoping you did."
     Emma takes the book from her, examining it quickly. " Yeah, I know who's this is. It's Ty's book, so I'm assuming he was the one who left them. It's weird, that's pretty out of character for him."
     Y/N was surprised. She didn't know Tiberius very well, he mostly kept to himself, like her. She thanked Emma and turned to go.
     "Y/N wait," Emma grabs her arm, stopping her. " The thing about Ty is he prefers to mind his own business, and he doesn't like people touching his stuff. If he's leaving these books for you, he must really care about you. Just thought you should know."
     With that, Emma turned on her heel and left Y/N standing there, slightly confused.
     The next day, she approached Ty after sparring. He had his headphones in and was focused intently on the book in his hands.
     When she tapped his shoulder, he glanced up then froze.
     Y/N smiled nervously at him, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear. " I just wanted to thank you for the books." Off of his surprised look she continued. " I showed one to Emma and she told me it was yours."
     He smiled shyly up and at her. " So you liked them? "
     " Yeah, I really did." They continued to talk about the books, which one was best, did they see the end coming, until Y/N asked the one question that had been bothering her since she found the first book. " Why would you do this for me? I mean, I am so grateful and they were great books, but we hardly knew each other before.
     Tiberius smiled slightly, " I don't know. I always felt like I knew you, and I could tell you were sad. No one else seems to notice, so I felt like I had to do something."
     Something about him in that moment made Y/N feel a little vulnerable, like he could see right through her. It all felt very personal. Luckily, no one else was left in the room to see her bright blush, except for Ty.
     He moved closer, reaching out and taking her hand gently. " If you ever need to talk about anything, everything, you can come to me. I care about you Y/N, I want you to be okay."
     She smiled, holding on to his hand. " You have no idea how much that means to me. Thank you for noticing, and for caring."
     She felt Ty tense slightly, as if he was preparing himself for something.
" Do you want me to walk you home?Diana might be getting worried."
     " Yeah, that would be great." Ty stood, still holding her hand, and they walked to the door.
     " Wait," He stopped suddenly, and Y/N stopped too. She was about to ask if something was wrong, but was silenced when Ty crashed his lips to hers. He pulled back when they needed air, a slightly goofy smile plastered on his face. " I was going to hate myself if I didn't do that."
     They rested their foreheads together, both feeling an elated sort of dizziness. They were both thinking of how just this morning, they had been near strangers and now they were in love. All thank to a few good books.
     They also didn't know that on the other side of the door, Livvy and Emma were listening to the whole thing.

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