Jace Herondale - Simply in love

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     When all this began, I never thought I'd be where I am now. I had just been attacked by a demon, but I had no clue what it was. I remember coming home, finding a great, black, scaly thing ransacking the place. The moment I screamed, the demon launched itself on me.
     Suddenly, it was sliced out of the air in an arc of light. That was when I fainted.
     The next thing I knew, I was waking up in a strange place I'd never been. A blonde boy was sitting beside me, and jolted up when he saw my eyes open.
     That was four years ago. Now, I'm a trained Shadowhunter, living at the institute in New York. I am also dating Jace Herondale, the love of my life.
     It was a complicated relationship, often drawn apart for some reason or another. However, today was one of the peaceful days, where the world wasn't about to end, and we could just spend time together.
     We actually had time for a real date, and Jace promised me he had a special night planned, but wouldn't tell me what it was.
     When I got back to our shared room after the days training, I found a small note from Jace.

  Get ready for our date, then meet me at our place. I love you!
P.S. Wear the blue dress.

I knew exactly which dress he was talking about. It was the same one I wore on our first date. I slip it on and do my hair and makeup quickly, before slipping out the door and onto the roof.
     It was our place because it was here that Jace first told me he loved me. Just as his letter suggested, he was up there, along with his flying vampire motorcycle.
     When he sees me approach, he smiles brightly. As soon as I reach him, I wrap my arms around his neck and press my lips to his.
     " Well look at you," he murmurs, twirling me around. " Gorgeous as always."
     I smile up at him, leaning back against his bike. " So, I'm guessing this means we're going somewhere."
     "Genius observation my love," he's still smiling down on me.
     " And I'm guessing you aren't going to tell me where that place is." Now he's laughing at me.
     " A real Sherlock, aren't you? You going to get on the bike or not?"
     " After you." I step back and Jace hops on the bike. I slide behind him, arms wrapped around his waist. Resting my chin on his shoulder, I smile up at him.
" You ready to go princess?" I roll my my eyes at him. He's called me princess since we started dating and he found out it annoyed me.
" Sure angel boy."

The whole ride to wherever we're going, I stay cuddled up against Jace's back. As often as we use his bike, I'm still terrified whenever we drop slightly. Every time I clutch tighter at his chest, I can feel his laugh.
     Finally, we land on solid ground, a rooftop on the outskirts of the city. I slip off the bike, hand sliding against Jace's chest.
     In front of us, there's a beautiful table set up, surrounded by golden fairy lights. A small vase of pink roses sits in the center of it, and next to that two plates covered in fancy silver domes.
     I feel Jace walk up behind me, wrapping his muscular arms around my waist. " Do you like it?"
     " Oh Jace," I whisper, leaning into him, " It's so perfect."
     He smiles against my ear. " Only the best for my princess. Also, I had a little help."
     I flush slightly. " Izzy?"
     " Yup. Now let's eat."

     Dinner was amazing, peaceful and calm. We talked about training, the Institute, and everything else in our life. Through the whole meal, our hands are twisted together on the table, Jace's fingers brushing my wrist.
     After we finish, Jace says he wants to take me on a walk. We drive to Long Island and walk along the beach there. I'm holding on to Jace with one hand, my shoes with the other.
     Suddenly, Jace turns to me, pulling my lips to his. We stand there for a while, leaning into each other. He cups my face with one hand, thumb brushing my cheek.
     Once I broke away, I rest my forehead against his. " What was that for? Not that I'm complaining."
     " I just felt like I needed to hold you. Every part of tonight has been perfect, and I just wanted to kiss you." His beautiful golden eyes stared intently into mine, our noses bumping together.
     " I love you Jace, so much." My arms twine around his neck, and I nuzzle into his chest.
     " I love you, princess." We simply stand there, feeling a simple, steady love. It was a feeling of comfort and safety and home. " I will love you forever."

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