Who's Your Best Friends?

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Enjoy ;)

Henry Bowers🔪
From the Losers Club-
•Ben Hanscom
-to you Ben Hanscom is a completely underrated human being
-^ the kids always pick him last for games, most won't even include him in games
-^^that upsets you so much
-you are very protective over Ben
-Ben, and you always go to the library together
-^you two take out some books to read
-you have to threaten Henry, so he doesn't hurt Ben
-Ben is terrified of Henry ; obviously
-^that doesn't stop you, and Ben from being best friends
-Ben has a crush on you :)
-^ he also has one on Beverly Marsh, which you know about
-you help him write poems for Bev
-Ben always asks you for advice on talking to Bev
-^you think that it's absolutely adorable

From The Bowers Gang-
Patrick Hocksetter
-even though Patrick is fucking insane, you still enjoy his company
-he makes you laugh till your sides hurt
-Patrick makes dirty jokes all the time, pissing Henry off
-^ Patrick doesn't give a fuckk
-you have deep talks with Patrick as well
-^ seeing the soft side of Patrick
-you always have to comfort him whenever he talks about Avery
-he has shown you his fridge
-^you think it's.. um.. interesting?
-you would never judge Patrick
-Patrick trusts you so fucking much
-he doesn't think your real tho
-he loves you so much, your like his little sister
-Patrick burns shit with you all the time

Patrick Hocksetter🔥
From the Losers club-
•Stanley Uris
-Stan fucking hates Patrick so much
-^ Patrick fucking hates Stan
-^^ that doesn't stop you two from being best friends
-you guys always go bird watching together
-stan teaches you about the different kinds of birds
-Stan also teaches you about his culture
-you protect Stan from being burned by Patrick
-Patrick is very  jealous of Stan
-^you always have to reassure Patrick that NOTHING is going on between you and Stan
-you two always roast people together
-you two are SHADY SISTERS
-^both of you are wayyyy to salty
-you go to Stans bar-mitzvah
-^ you are such a proud mom tbh

From the Bowers Gang-
Victor Criss
-you and this blonde boy are inseparable
-Vic is of course your favourite in the gang ( other than Patrick oc)
-whenever Patrick is being a dick, Vic sticks up for you
-^you always stand up for Vic too! Henry can be a real asshole to him
-you two were instantly best friends!
-Vic gives you advice on Patrick
-he is very protective of you, he especially doesn't want Patrick to hurt you
-^he would fucking fight Patrick in a heart beat
-you two take late night walks together
-you help him with his homework all the time!
-since your around the same size as Vic, he gives you his old clothes
-^ you live for it
-^^ Patrick, of course, gets jealous yet again
-^^^ Patrick burns the clothes that Vic gives you sometimes
-you and Vic always spill the tea, tbh you two are mean girls ;)

Victor Criss⚡️
From the Losers Club-
•Mike Hanlon
-Vic hates Mike with a burning passion
-^ Mike doesn't hate Vic, he even tries being nice to Vic for you
-Mike and you go biking together
-^ y'all are always exploring!
-you two mostly hang out at his farm
-you guys always get ice cream together after adventures
-he always tells you stories that his dad told him
-you always stick up for Mike, and fight anyone that is mean to him
-^ everyone is incredibly racist towards him which makes you sick to your stomach
-Vic hates your guy's friendship so much, he even tried breaking it
-^ that obviously didn't work, and you ended up pissed off at Victor for a week
-you are always out side together
-Y'all always sneak into abandon places together
-he always comes to your house after school to hang out

From the Bowers Gang-
•Belch Huggins
-y'all go out for lunches together
-he lets you sit shot gun in his car all the time
-^y'all do that every Friday night
-he picks you up for school, of course
-^and drops you off
-will fight anyone that hurts you
-he's honestly such a big brother
-^teasing you constantly, but whenever you get hurt making sure you're alright
-you both rock the baseball caps together
-Belch and Vic are best friends (OBVIOUSLY) so Vic gets low key jealous whenever Belch picks to hangout with you instead of him
-^their bromance is strong tho
-you, Vic and Belch go for late night drives together
-^sometimes you three sneak into the movies together
-he helps you with your car all the time
-you think Belch is a god at baseball ( which he is)
-you two go on rants about the gang

Belch Huggins💦
From the Losers Club-
•Beverly Marsh
-Y'all share clothes all the damn time
-of course y'all have SLEEPOVERS every weekend
-^bev braids your hair, paints your nails, and just gives you the biggest spa treatment ever
-gossiping together during lunch
-talking about boysss ( you talk about Belch, she talks about Bill)
-you know of Bens crush on her
-^you don't tell her, but when she told you she got a poem from a secret admirer you instantly knew it was from Ben
-you shipping Ben and Bev
-^you also shipping Bill and Bev
-^^you can't decide who's better for her
-you beat the shit outta Greta Keene for her
-^Belch watches it happen like a proud daddy ;)
-Belch actually loves you two as friends
-^he thinks she's a great friend for you to have
-Bev, and you go swimming at the Quarry with the boys 24/7

From the Bowers Gang-
•Henry Bowers
-he hated you at first, and you hated him
-^thAt obviously changed one day but that's a story for another time
-Henry is protective of you
-you are protective of Henry; you hate his dad with a burning passion
-Belch hates your friendship with Henry
-^he thinks he's manipulative, and using you just to try and get in your pants
-you help Henry with his homework a lot
-you talk with Henry about his problems and his dad
-you two have deep conversations when you are alone
-you and this boi roast eachother everyday
-^just the meanest, most crude things spat at each other
-^^ Belch hates when you guys do this
-your like Henry's little sister
-he would never let anything happen to you
-he shows you how to carve things with his knife

Hey guys! I'm back with another update!  :)    This is a longer chapter than usual so tomorrow when I update it's gonna be a little shorter. 

Hope you guys are having a great day:)

Word count: 1124

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