They Ask You On A Date

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Henry Bowers🔪
•You were biking up near Henry's farm on a lovely spring day. You were planning on going over to his house to finish up a school project you two were working on. You knew he wouldn't be any help, but since he invited you over to work on it, you thought it would be rude not to go over to his place. You were almost at his house, as you had spotted the mail-box, you squinted your eyes slightly, it seems as if you had seen a red balloon taped to the mail box. As you were staring at the upcoming mailbox, a fairly big rock had blocked your path. It had gotten stuck in your front wheel! Your bike began to have almost seizure like movements, jerking you to the side of the road. Panic struck as you realized you were going to fall off your bike hard. Seconds later, you fell of your bike, landing on your knees. "FUCK!" You yelled. You got up to see your jeans were ripped and splattered with blood. Your mom was gonna kill you.. You raced to your bike to inspect it, it looked okay, a little dirty but nothing too bad. "Y/N!? Are you okay!?" Henry's voice said from behind you. You turned around, wiping the stray tears off your face, "y-yeah I just had-d an accident.. i think a r-rock got stuck in my wheel... I don't really know... it just hurts like a bitch." "Let's go get you cleaned up." -after your cleaned up—"Thanks Henry... I owe you one.. I should be getting home now, my parents are gonna be worried sick." Henry looked down at you, (as he was much taller,) he smiled at your beautiful features, you were almost out the door when he grabbed your arm and whispered "wait..". You turned around, his grip loosened and he cleared his throat, "would you ever want to go out with me... maybe?" You smiled at Henry, your heart melting instantly as his eyes stared deep into yours. "R-really? You would want to go out with me?" You asked, obviously flustered. You never thought Henry Bowers would want to go out with a girl like you. You thought you were just average.... "Of course I want to go out with you, unless you don't want to go with me...". He looked down at his feet, awaiting your answer. "Yes! Of course I'll go out with you Bowers." He smirked and muttered "works every time..." you rolled your eyes, and took off.

Patrick Hocksetter🔥
• "god dammit." You had muttered as your shoes came untied for the 50th time.   You bent down to tie your stupid shoe, all the while a slim figure was standing behind you. You didn't notice until you finished tying both shoes.   "the fuck?" You snarled as you spotted the shadow in front of you. You knew it didn't belong to you. You turned around quickly to see Patrick Hocksetters lanky figure.   You studied him for a minute or so before you asked the first question, "what are you doing?" "Admiring." He replied. "Admiring what?" You asked confused. "Admiring you."
Your eye brows furrowed in confusion, "this isn't some sort of prank is it?" "Not at all doll face." He smirked. You turned bright red as he gently moved a stray hair away from your eyes. "Your so gorgeous." He mumbled. You turned bright red.. yet again. "Um I-I thank you." His smile was very contagious, you even found your cheeks hurt after your little encounter. ( GET YOUR MIND OUT OF THE GUTTER!) His eyes stared into yours for a while, it felt like forever until he pulled his face away from yours. You didn't even notice how close he had been. "I'll see you around?" You asked as he began to walk away. "I'll see you tonight at 6:30, I'll pick you up. Wear something nice." He yelled out. You stood there on the side walk, mouth wide open, clearly shocked over his cockiness. You shook your head and called back, "HEY make it 6:45!"

Victor Criss⚡️
"Y/N!" Your best friend Mike  yelled. You glanced up from your homework to see the boy running towards you. "What's up?" You asked as he finally reached the giant oak tree you were working under. Mike held up one finger, indicating that he wanted you to wait a moment. When Mike finally caught his breath he blurted out, "IHEARDTHATVICTORCRISSLIKESYOU!!!" You looked confused, "Come again?" Mike slowed down his words, "I HEARD THAT VICTOR CRISS LIKES YOU! IS THAT TRUE?" You chuckled slightly, Mike noticing this raised an eyebrow. "I had an encounter with him after I talked back to a teacher. He told me that he thought it was hot. No big deal." Mike practically screamed, "NO BIG DEAL!?" That had caught the attention of quite a few unwanted visitors, that included Victor Criss. Vic glanced in your direction, locking eyes with you. He looked very concerned. You broke eye contact to calm Mike down. He was freaking out. "So are you going to date him?!"
"I-I don't really know. I mean it wouldn't be the worst idea." Mike glared at you, "please don't date him." "Why not?" You questioned. "Him and his gang torture me all the time. Come on Y/N, you can do better." This time it was your turn to glare, "you can't tell me what to do! If I want to date him, I shall. In fact I'm going over to ask him out right now!" You jumped up from your spot, and speed walked towards Vic. He was standing with the gang, they seemed to be blabbering over something unimportant. You ignored Mikes pleads, ( honestly you just wanted to disobey, you wanted to do something that made you have a rush, and this was it.) You reached the Bowers gang, and they all looked at you confused, especially Vic. Before anyone could say anything you blurted out, "Vic, wanna go out on a date sometime?" Regret filled your body as you realized what you were doing. It was too late to back out. Vic turned a bright red, and nodded, "sure! I would love to. I was actually gonna spin by your place and ask you but this is perfect!" You felt relief fill your body as you glanced back at Mike. He had his head in his hands, and he was glaring at you. You smirked, and gave a thumbs up! You were going on a date with Victor Criss!

Belch Huggins💦
After you first met Belch, you never thought he would be the person you would be crushing on, but he was. You are currently walking home from school, thinking about Belch. For some reason, he wasn't at school today, which bothered you.  You shook it off though, and kept it in the back of your mind all day.  *HONK HONK*  You spun around to see Belch's blue trans am,  he was sitting alone for once.   You walked over to his car, as he rolled down the window.  "Hey sweet cheeks, need a lift?"   His voice melted your heart, and him calling you sweet cheeks made you even more giddy. "Yes! Thanks Belch. My brother took my car today." You hopped in his beautiful car, and went on your way.  You actually didn't even know where you two were going.  "Hey Belch, my house is back there."   "I know." He smirked.  "Where are we going?" you questioned.  "Somewhere..."  You rolled your eyes, getting annoyed with him.  "Tell me, why weren't you at school today?"   "Had planning to do." He mumbled.   "Planning for what  exactly?" You raised an eyebrow.   "Planning for our first date?" He said, it had sounded more like a question than a statement.   Your heart had sped up when he said date. "Wait? No... actually?" You smirked.  "Yes! Of course darling.. unless you don't want to go out with me? Which if not I can totally understand." He rambled on.  You laughed at his nervousness, "Belch, I would absolutely love to go on a date with you!"   "Good cause if not this car ride would've been awkward."

I finally updated :)

Word count: 1378

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