Part One: Sic Pavis Magna

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S 23⁰28'36.2" – W 52⁰00'59.8"

São Paulo

S 23⁰43'59.1" – W 46⁰47'61.3"


N 43⁰59'03.5" – W 79⁰38'59.9"


N 43⁰24'12.1" – W 79⁰51'50.0"


N 43⁰59'51.6" – W 79⁰59'59.2"


S 23⁰20'59.0" – W 51⁰12'29.2"


There were seven people on the bus. The driver, the teacher, me, two boys and two girls. Seven people, each with an unique story, and I only wanted to beat the shit out of one them: Jorge.

"If you ask me again about last night, the trip is ending for both of us right now" I murmured.

"Threats aren't really your thing... I already have some pieces of information, but they don't fit quite well... Wanna know my theory?" Right under the bowl hair and the square glasses, his curious eyes aimed at me.

Usually, I'd be excited to listen to Jorge's theories, but at that point, I couldn't handle it anymore. I stayed late, woke early, organized my bags in a hurry and deleted my WhatsApp - I was getting tired of all the questioning about that party.

"Whatever..." I answered looking through the window, staring at the plates of the cars passing by our side. Not many of them were from Londrina, most had Maringá written on it.

"I've been told that you were talking to Red, but till where I know, you went upstairs with Fer and, by lucky, Becca wasn't at the party" Jorge's voice was deeply irritating me more second after second.

All his intel was right, there was no way of denying it. But he hadn't finished yet...

"So, we have three totally diferente girls and a guy like you. The rumors say many things happened... also, somebody told me they found a condom in the roof! When I stop to analyze the depth of the events, I remember that you've always had a crush on Red - because she's the hottest. Although, Fer has a blond hair and blue eyes... And Becca... she is just a bitch.

No, she wasn't.

"You never told me the story about your deep and bad feelings for her. And to be honest, if you are going to piss me off all day with your theories, you could tell me this first."

"Okay, there it goes.... When I was younger, I kind of had a problem. It's no big deal! Approximately..."

"If your going to tell me a history that somehow ends up in a Ghost Busters lunch bag bullshit, just shit up!" I had already watched Superbad enough times to understand that reference.

"Fine! I have only one question!"

I rolled my eyes.

"Go ahead"

He opened a malicious smile, but before any word could cross his mouth, Antonio turned around on this seat right in front of us and called my name.

"Diego, why did you leave so early from my party yesterday?" Then, he turned over to Jorge. "And you, you weren't even there! Why? Even my cousin was there! He jumped from the second floor widow, did a backflip and landed in the pool!"

Jorge  just ignored Antonio's words and kept on staring me.

I had a deep breath. I didn't leave the party early. And I didn't want to discuss the party with Jorge, so whatever I told Antonio would only make my situation more complicated.

"Tell you latter" This is just what we teenagers answer when we are really not going to explain it at all.

Antonio was a little chubby, had little curly hair and glasses very similar to Jorge's. Something in his innocent way made him accept my words, just how this same thing in his way let him allow people to bring in alcohol to his party last night.

Realizing the tension between me and Jorge, Antonio went back to his seat and started playing on the phone.

"I was just wondering" Started Jorge " how you are going to feel while facing Rafe next week."

Jorge took his cellphone out of the pocket and showed me our school class group in his WhatsApp. I knew exactly what was written in those texts, they were all about last night.

"This is going to be a long trip..." I took my headphones out of my pocket. Jorge nod, laughing a little. He had no idea of what happened last night and honestly, I wasn't going to tell anything to him at that point of out travel.

I hit the play button on my cellphone screen and the first music of my playlist filled my ears. I looked through the window again, we were close to Maringa's Regional Airport.

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