Track One: Summer - Imagine Dragons

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Take any summer hit from ten years ago. You'll probably not be aquinted with the music style, but it may cause you nostalgy.  There is only one explanation for all the jokes written in this pages and it is the same reason why you'll find the name of many summer hits: They were trend in 2016.


I'm not going to say that my first encounter with Nicolas Fischer was an epic moment that should be set in stone. But I can't deny how interesting is a friendship that started from a stumble.

Jorge and I had a friend in common that was addicted to memes. Since he found out about our trip to Canada, he asked us to take a picture in each city we passed... doing a sarrada.

For those who don't know what I'm talking about, first I need to ask, where were you in 2016? Secondly, open your You Tube and enjoy yourselves with the typical Brazilian funk choreography.

Basically, I only needed to jump, make the sarrada and wait for Jorge to take a picture and apply the Snapchat's geographical filter of the city.

Even though I was a little bit moody in that morning, arriving early at the airport was a good thing. Our flight would just leave in two hours. There was no reason not to accomplish my friend's request. I asked Jorge to take his camera and prepared to jump.

But life has some funny coincidences: there was only one other youngster in Maringa's Airport, and it was Nicolas. At the same time I jumped, he crossed the airport automatic front door and we bumped into each other.

"Sorry!" I said.

"It's fine" He answered with a smile. He was wearing shorts, a red t-shirt with the exchanging program logo, a straight flap cap and was carrying a sound box in his right hand. By lucky, he was holding it tight and our stumble had no effect on it. "Were you doing a sarrada?"

"It's the goal of a lifetime!" Answered Jorge, whit a serious tone that only he could assume. "Making a sarrada in each one of the important cities of this trip."

-Isso parece genial. – comentou ele com sinceridade – Sou o Nicolas, mas podem me chamar de Fischer.

-Sou o Diego e esse é o Jorge Mateus.

-Tipo a dupla sertaneja? – estranhou Fischer.

Jorge revirou os olhos, ele odiava aquela piada, mas poderia ser pior, seu nome poderia ser Marco e isso geraria uma infância cheia de traumas com a brincadeira "Marco Polo".

-Exatamente – respondi com um sorriso.

-Você é daqui mesmo? – perguntou Jorge, mesmo sendo uma pergunta com resposta óbvia. Londrina e Maringá eram muito próximas, além de serem as duas únicas cidades da região nas quais o nosso colégio possuía filiais.

-Nascido e criado.

-Você sabe mais quantas pessoas de Maringá vão viajar com a gente? – perguntei.

Fischer franziu a testa e fez um pequeno gesto com a mão, como se estivesse contando.

-Tem eu, o Archie, uma garota que eu conheço e uma que eu não conheço.

Quatro pessoas, o que somando com o nosso grupo de adolescentes, dava nove.

-Só vocês vieram de Londrina? – perguntou

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